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Time in the Twilight Zone



Glad everyone is back. So missed you all and am praying everyone is well and healthy. It will probably take us all some time to catch up and look forward to reading about your time away.


Hopefully Chat will be available soon. I noticed some got in, but everytime I clicked on rooms, was disconnected. I am sure Sue, Sally and Sarah will advise all of us.


Interesting week for us. Mary Beth is due in for a visit. Bruce has been using his couponing skills to get some stores put away for our Goddaughter, headed back to college today. He picked up some of her "lady" things and some microwave snacks for study nights. He is excited to see Mary Beth's response.


Bruce will probably be decertified from therapy within the next two weeks. We knew this go round would be short and so took advantage of it. Our winter has been delayed. This week is all upper 40s and sunny. Last Sunday it was 60 degrees. Timing on all of this was perfect as winter will not be denied, but there won't be the angst of trying to get him out in freezing, snowy weather. The ramp is tough enough without having to get him up and down the mountain-lol.


This go round has been very positive. Arm-hand still has no movement, but he can open the right hand enough to allow it to grasp, so can use a bar to lift and sway side to side and can use his rocker frame. He is walking with the hemiwalker and doing stairs. This is a bit of a set back in that he had to downsize to the hemi from the quad cane. But after sitting and doing very little for most of a year, we will take it. Biggest change is PT is stressing independent transfers and Bruce really taking this to heart. Wants me to spot him, but not touch or help him. He does this with Leo all the time, but usually with me, asks for help. I think he finally understands that not having a caregiver is all up to him.


He had to get up around 9pm the other night and almost got to the WC himself. But the next morning said he understood that he is not quite there yet. This is major!


The cognitive improvement is the most significant. He is initiating conversations with strangers or fellow patients at Rahab. Monday after I helped him transfer to the WC and then went to park the truck, he took himself up the elevator to Rehab and checked himself in, after getting the newspaper. The security guards actually came to the parking lot to tell me he had left the lobby-lol! A lot of the improvement is subtle-putting away his things, bringing dishes to the kitchen, asking for a shower. I had been thinking about asking for a change in his depression medication, but think I will hold off for a bit.


I think now that I have a more realistic outlook on stroke recovery and the length of time it really takes, lets me appreciate the small advances he does make. And there seems to be less one step forward, two steps back. Or maybe I am just less stressed and anxious. We have been a week with no bed changes, less discussion about using the BR and no more arguements with the caregivers.


He is truely napping. No more channel surfing for an hour and then getting up. And less channel surfing in general. I am showing him how much can be done during commercial breaks-cleaning up his table, papers, dishes to kitchen, getting his own snacks, instead of the incessant binking.


We will miss our Jen. Friday is her last day. Leo and Cathy will be taking over her time, but no one yet for the pool, except me. I am thinking I will hold off, due to winter. Cathy and Leo do a lot here in the house and right now I do need the help. Bruce won't ask them for shower, shave, grooming; but they are more than willing to clean a kitchen or bathroom, vaccuum, do laundry. So I make my trade off there.


We are putting up projects for our winter months to come. We have some soup-stew makings frozen for kitchen adventures. And Bruce wants to expand his monthly cards to include other events than birthdays. He also wants to step up more independence with paying bills and maintaining the budget.


So welcome back all. Please do blog your own updates. Hard to be out of touch for that long and I so did miss everyone. Good week. Debbie


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Debbie, I was away at the kidney specialist at chat time. I was informed the rooms would not be ready so don't know what happened.


Welcome back and well done you and Bruce for making the most of the therapy time, just keep building on it and see what happens.


See you in chat soon, Sue.

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Like you ...I missed you on Tuesday night. I couldn't get therooms to pop up. Thanks for blogging. I will do the same later.


I love hearing that Bruce is doing so well. I am amazed and proud of Bruce. Please let him know.


Wm is also in PT at this point in time. He said that he had a good day yesterday. I need to talk to his caregiver, Virginia, to find out what actually happened. I am still taking Wm to the pool. We are having wonderful warm weather. It was in the 70's. But, it looks like it will be going back down to the 60's.


Yes, I too have had to reevaluate my goals on stroke recovery. It is alot slower than I had every imagined. But, Yes, I applaud every new and wonderful advancement as small as it may be.


Yes, I too, do the showers and the caregivers do the light housekeeping tasks.


I shall talk to you later...have a good week.. Chat next week.



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Debbie, thanks for your blog. I don't know how long we will have StrokeNet Up but I guess we should take advantage while we can. I tried instant messaging you but the area for message is black in color.???


Bruce is doing well, and hopefully, he will be able to walk up that ramp without you pushing him in the WC. He has made some good strides and seems determined, which is a big factor. I hope your niece gives him a big hug when she sees all the groceries and toiletries Bruce has for her.



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loved to see your holiday update, with site & chatroom still not working for me I was experiencing blog withdrawl symptoms. I am so happy for Bruce's stroke recovery. I can tell you for sure without having loving, nonjudgemental support survivors don't make the strides bruce is making it right now. as a survivor I feel thankful that there r loving caregivers like you & my hubby exist on this earth. I am planning to blog my new adventure which I have accomplished this year soon too.




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