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a blog for today



No chat today so this is a blog to add comments to about what you are facing today. Remember it is a public blog so others can see it.


I am sorry that this is happening right now as I know it is frustrating not to be able to meet up with your friends in this way.


My today is a hot one and I have a lot of clothes flapping on the clothesline. Edie has been having a lot of trouble with blood pressure during this pregnancy so she is at Prenatal Clinic today and then goes to work, Trev is at work and Lucas is at Vacation Care.


I guess setting up house again on their own will be a big learning curve as they have had a fair amount of help with cooking, tidying, babysitting etc from me since they have been here. Still they are young and have a lot of energy they need to harness. And I will get the house set up again when I get back from my stay with my daughter and family. (I am an older lady and set in my ways...lol).


At Lions last night I learned that a few people have visited Ray in the nursing home but because he doesn't remember I would never had known if they hadn't told me. It is like he is living his life in secret. I feel shut out but am trying to come to terms with that. The break away may help.


After lunch this afternoon I will tidy things as much as I can. I will visit Mum and Ray tomorrow so I have current news for the family down south. I will miss them all while I am away but I need the break and to see the grandchildren too. I realised that I have been concentrating still on the problems here and do need to step away and look at the bigger picture.


Pray for some fine weather for me and travelling mercies.




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I'm never ready until I step out of the door but my time away will be a blessing I am sure. It gives life perspective when you step away from it for a while.

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it sure does.

Things here have been quite. Don sort of took to his chair and doesn't want to do much. He is off most of his anti-depressate and we go back to the Dr next week for a med adjustment,hoping that this time we get better results. Going to let him just be for the time being going to try to get him up to some of his friends house this Sat. for a day with the boys. Keep you finger cross that I can prey him out of his chair LOL

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I'm going to call it a night. You have a safe trip and enjoy yourself. If Deb come on later wish her a happy birthday for me and Ruth also. Chat with you when you get back Night and take care


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Guest lwisman


Hi Sue,


Good to hear from you. I loved your post this morning about learning about U.Ss from the blogs. Sneaky! LOL


When my grandmother was in a home with dementia years ago, my mother solved the problem of not knowing who visited. She put a calendar on the wall and asked people to please sign the calendar on the day they visited. That way she knew.


Take care,


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I am missing chat. Thanks for the update. I hope that you have a wonderful visit and get rejuvenated and energized.


Love those grand kids.



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You got my prayers for you and for Ray. I pray he is doing pretty good. Now your weather there, well, it's your time for snow, maybe not so much like Canada and parts of the US.


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