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Up and running



Well we are up and running. Some tweaking to do, like moving my Email address book. I will play with stuff or get my guru here. Supposed to be much faster, I don't see it yet, but I don't use my home computer for much other than Email and Stroke Net.


I felt sorry for our technician-young twenty-something, very patient and thorough. He had to rewire the street as well as the house before he did anything here in the house. Those storms took down all the existing lines and AT&T did not bother replacing ours, since we were not using them. He was so patient explaining things to Bruce. System can basically do everything. We won't use most of it, but it was nice to know it is there and will be of interest to the nieces and nephew-LOL.


This will be a major adjustment for Bruce. None of the channels are the same and they do not follow any order. I will have to teach him to use the Guide, which once he gets used to, will be simplier. I got in tonight and he was stuck on the record mode. He will have to get used to using the Guide, because in the bedroom he only has a night light to go by. But, know what? My money is on Bruce. Not just that he spends so much time with the TV, but his cognitive improvement. Told the technician today I had spelled the password wrong-lol. I left him a list for tomorrow morning of his favorite channels. I had left the directory, but guess it was just too much. He was tired. Technician was here for almost six hours and I was late for work. I left the old directory to reference, but even Leo said he was confused. Great-two BAs in English and the two can't figure out a TV guide. So much for higher education!


Technician says the phones should be fine. This was the big issue with the old company. But AT&T paid for new wireless phones for us as an incentive to changing services, so I will be changing over this weekend. I am figuring with the snow due Sunday I will be able to spend some time getting my house back in order and the new stuff taken care of.


Poor Kira was a mess. She was sure the technician ate little kitties for lunch-lol. Then Leo came and she is now to bed with Bruce, who has turned off the TV from "h". Amazing how tired I am. Mostly stress as to how my two charges were going to be and Bruce without TV for hours and we couldn't leave house. He did nap but no down time for me. But it is over, for the most part and I know my guru can get me through the rest. TV in Mary Beth's room is hooked up. She would never complain, but it is nice to know she has a spot away from the fray to just relax and kick back. I'll update my profile when all is done, but for now just use the old Email or call. Looking for the weather forecast and then off to bed.


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I stayed off the computer for a day due to thunderstorms so almost missed one of your blogs. Two days in a row -- wow.


The intricacies of changing from one tv to another are enough for me as I tend to be technologically challenged so feel some empathy with Bruce trying to relearn it all.


Glad you are back in the cyberworld.



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I'm glad you are back up and running on the things you needed and the young man was a great help. That probably wouldn't have happen here in my town. Every hour is money and they will tell you someone else will come out tomorrow to finish the job!


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Great news that the trasnfer in services went well! In time the new channels will become familiar. And like you said, "my money's on Bruce." And poor tramatized Kira I am sure takes great comfort sleeping with her human!


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I'm happy everything went well and it is over with. I changed an answering machine recently and new phone. That was enough for me to get use to. We have a carpenter here this week and this man can do almost anything. He is so helpful and his work so top notch. I feel like I have been given a gift. I have a long list of projects I know I can go to him for now.


Enjoy your weekend and "girlie time".



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Yes, This will be a great learning experience for Bruce. It was an adjustment when we got direct tv.

But, Wm is learning.




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