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One Blog With Two Topics



FIRST: We got the little puppy for my grandchild and she's in dog heaven! She is up early each morning before get ready time for school to see where her little Princess is and what she is doing. She has the run of the upstairs area hallway and bathroom. We got pads down ti two places and feed her 2 or 3 times a day. She poops twice a day usually on the pad in the bathroom. I got a page of the newspaper folded to hit her butt when it's not on the pad and a puppy dog bone biscuit when he minds and use the pad. However she is just 8 weeks old today so I can't expect I'm not a trainer. Thanks to the Internet I have learned a lot in taking care of a Shih Tzu puppy!


The main thing is the child is happy and still doing great in school classes. She wants very much to take her to school for show & tell but that may not happen until she is fully trained. I suppose we as adults can never really say what we will or will not do for our kids or grand kids! So therefore my retirement has ended again! I'm now officially a dog trainer without pay! Then I discovered that kind of dog carries a high price tag if you were to purchase one. This one is full breaded so I plan to register her in the AKA!




SECOND; I'm still working with the wounded warriors returning from Afghanistan wounded. I see them off load from the planes and I get to meet each one of them at the hospital on the base. Those that opt to retire or get medically discharged, I see them at the VA hospital in Temple, Texas about 25 miles away. So, if you don't see me on the board you know I'm working with them or attending funerals of them every few days. Two were killed yesterday but I don't know at this point where they will go!


On the other hand the Highway Patrols have to direct traffic going into the military post each morning, noon and evening! The traffic is horrendous now that most of our troops are back home since December 30th as Obama promised they would! I really feel the pressures of the young families having to meet their loved one in a different state of physical health as when they departed to the war zones! I think they get a feeling of succeeding once they see me on a scooter there greeting their return in their wounded state of health.


I have to tell them I also suffered a stroke four years after I returned from the Vietnam war! Well, I hate to keep blogging about wars or wounded but that's all I'm faced with lately and it hurts me to see the young kids hurt for life!



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You do a wonderful work there Fred, I salute you! When we came back from Vietnam I don't recall such kindly help. As I have said before, war is such a waste, warriors know that all too well.

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Fred: it is wonderful and fulfilling work that you are doing for our troops. A true veteran and American. Please just don't overdo!


With your new duties, you have a lot on your plate right now. I can see the smile on your face as you post about the puppy and your Granddaughter. I know you are warming to the little guy. Good week, Debbie

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Fred, you have had so much life experience, I am glad you are able to use some of it in helping these young men and women. Well done!


The puppy, well that is another experience to add to your many others. I am sure you will find it another talking point wherever you go and there is another animal lover to talk to.



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thanks for volunteering with the wounded from Afghanistan. You are a blessing to them.


You will train that puppy. He is littlier than you.


Let me know how it is going.



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Ruth, It going great with the little girl at 1 pound 9 ounces. I must say I know now why some people try to claim them on their taxes!


I was a warrior returning from the war myself so I have experienced what these young men are dealing with in their own survival after losing part of their bodies. But thank God they survived and too many of them did not! It's a sad thing here and someone has to step up and show they care very much!


Debbie, you should see the smile on my little one's face, she is a happy 7 year old child! My work is cut out as House Pa-Pa for the day while she's at school. The puppy is training up real good. I got potty pads in place and she is using them pretty much at 8 weeks old!


George, somebody got to show compassion to these young guys and they see in me that life goes on! Many of them men & women have small kids at home! We will ALL make it together somehow!!


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fred, what a wonderful thing you are doing times two. the soldiers are happy you are there for them, what a blessing that you are able to help them. the puppy was another wonderful thing you did. i see smiles on both faces when i read your blog. my parents had the same breed of dog. she was adorable and yes pure breeds are very expensive but they are smart and train well. you didn't tell us what your granddaughter named her. i bet thats all she talks about at school. LOL

post a picture of them if you can. you are a very busy pa-pa now. thankyou for the update.

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