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We Can Breathe Easy For Another Year TAX PAY UP TIME!



Well, tax pay up time has arrived because tomorrow 17 April 2012 is the last day to post mark and send your payment to the IRS without farther penalties. I will insure it gets in the mailbox TODAY!

When they have to send you a refund of your money you paid them all year they don't add any interest but when you owe them for not paying enough they charge you a fee! So today I'm making sure my check is in the mail for tomorrows deadline to pay! I already sent in another W4 to have more held for taxes so next year I should be OK!


You always feel better when you get a refund instead of paying more taxes! Some people seem to get away with not paying for years without any problems but not me! I guess they catch the little guys first it's more of them? Being retired there isn't much money you make anyway. I suppose millions of people wait until the last day when they owe more taxes! Maybe next year I won't face this situation again! You had to be very careful about scammers trying to get your refund I saw on TV!


I hope all the members had theirs done you know how we forget to do things! Well this is a reminder for myself too since I still handle these sorts of things instead of my wife and care giver who hates this type of financial matters but works at the bank!


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Yes, Fred...that is the way that it works.


I got ours done and sealed and in the mail a couple of weeks ahead of time.



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Ever the procrastinating household here. Husband bought the software last night and will do them today and Efile. I'm hoping for a refund. Last year was the first in a very long time that I didn't pay additional taxes. A perk of being stroke

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being married to CPA is great thing, he took care of it for us, no refunds for us this year, but ofcourse it's his domain so I don't worry about it



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Fred, I e-filed both federal and state for free this year. We do get a little back because at the end of last year someone must have pushed the wrong button and suddenly they started taking taxes out of Dick's pension. But still I put it off to the last week as well!


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My husband is self-employed, so we send in quarterly estimates at the last minute, of course! I do the books for a non profit and got all of that balanced out last month. Also the books on a rental property we have.And, Fred, I empathize with your wife as I worked in a bank, but absolutely HATE doing the tax


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Thanks everybody for the kind comments on taxes and filing them! Now it's time again for me to get back to the military base and help many of the wounded warriors recuperate with their new prosthetic legs and arms/hands they got in San Antonio since Walter Reed hospital in DC has closed. They learn more how to use them here at Fort Hood. Many of them I met or knew prior to their deployments to the war zones now to see them return in this shape is hard to take looking at them trying to hold their young kids and tell them how much they love them!


Any person who never had this experience probably don't understand the pain and problems they face day and night! We are Godly blessed to still have our right or left legs although it's paralysed! They tell me daily how blessed I am and others like me to still have legs and arms!

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