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Healthy eating......and water yoga



I was visiting with a friend and was turned on to eating healthier. He go me to watch the video on Bill Clinton and the doctor who is advocating vegetarianism.


I have always been interested in becoming a vegetarian. but, have never went the whole way.


I have instead decided to eat healthier. Increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables in our meals. William does love his meat.


You will certainly lose weight. William eats less when he doesn't like stuff. This is one way to lose weight. But, he can stand to lose a little weight.


WE were at the pool at 5:30A this morning. It was good. When I work the earlier shift it is easier for me to get up early.


I have started to incorporate a little yoga into our exercises. I am starting with the very basics.


Balance is first. I ask William to place his feet solidly on the bottom of the pool and then just stand their and concentrate on balance. he says that it is difficult...but this is the start.


At the end of our workout...I have him do the relaxation of just floating on his back. He is getting a little better at this. He just has to float on his back. I have a noodle under his arms and ask him to push his butt up so that his legs don't pull him down. At first he insisted that the body would not float on the top of the water. I would push his bottom up and now it stays on top like it should. i have started having him incorporate scissor kicking legs while he is floating.


I have also started doing things slowly...Slower movements and more concentration.


Constant changes are good for the soul.


I also bought a llittle throw toy. I toss it to William and he catches and tosses it back to me. This works on his balance without his knowing it.


At the grocery store Wm asks me to buy ice cream. He loves that stuff. I told him nothing with a face or a mother. No dairy. Let's see how long this lasts.




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Ruth :


Iam vegatarian but not vegan, I do eat eggs & dairy products. I am vegatarian by birth & choice now, never felt need to try any meat since love the way I cook our vegtables with all the spices & stuff.



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Great you would blog this subject! Brings back my moms voice telling all of us at the table to eat our veggies. I think many families heard that message at the dinner table back then but now families don't eat together plus fast foods have taken over many families dinner tables these days! I still eat my veggies today! Back then I was the one that had to go to the garden to get the okra, peas, greens and the potatoes!


OK, I have to defend Wm about ice cream, as you age sweets are a must anytime. My brothers, my dad and me love cookies and ice cream, I can't do with out Blue Bell and here they sell it by 2 gallons or 3 gallons for certain prices which are a deal from buying the single gallons at any store! one at a time!

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I agree with Fred, my Ray certainly got to be more of a sweet tooth as he aged. I can't eat icecream (lactose intolerant) so I have sorbet instead, mango is divine!


Ruth as usual your inventiveness in keeping William exercising amazes me. Keep blogging about what you do as it gives others ideas too.



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Ruth: there is also Tai Chi Chin - specific for stroke victims. Can be done in a WC if needed. You may not have a class available in your area, but I bet you can get some ideas on-line. Bruce's roommate, who is a master, advised us. Bruce will be starting in July - at our Outpatient Rehab, so it is convenient for us.


Sweets - will be the death of him. I leave his snack now where he can help himself. 90 calorie granola bars. But he knows where the good stuff is and can reach it if he stands. Fortunately that is about once a week and it is funny how he limits himself. So something is sinking in - lol.


The new routine in the pool sounds fascinating. Do let us know. Debbie

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