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I'm Coming Up On The Rough Side Of The Mountain



"I'm coming up on the rough side of the mountain" is a song my mom used to sing in church and around the house when she was cooking or thinking about how rough we had it since it was just her and me!!! By the grace of God we made it up and over the mountain!! Well when I survived this stroke I had another mountain to climb as best I could!!


Well at this point in my climb I really feel everything will be OK with God by my side!! I just got back from a trip to New Orleans with my wife and we had a great trip seeing her family members! The 9th was her birthday and mine was on 22 July so we were both very thankful to enjoy another birthday together!! Eight years ago I didn't know if I was going to survive very long after a 5 month stay in the hospital seeing people come in there and go home while I was still there with no expected date to leave!! It did look pretty slim for a while!!


So, I came up again on the rough side of the mountain and many, many bumps in the road and still are but I feel so much better about making the climb this time around!! I'm happy and so thankful for my wife who stayed by my side all the way and we trusted in God to bring us to the other side of that mountain! I feel like a happy camper now as I look back over the last eight years and are able to do what I do!!


I may not do all I once did but I'm happy to do what I can do after the stroke being a true survivor! I think when we put our minds to work on being that survivor life changes to "I can, I will" be better but we all know life my not get us back to the way we once were physically but just having another chance at life really makes me feel so free!!


It does help in being able to drive my car, use a scooter and walk with my cane in such a way I can do most anything myself!! That's a good feeling so I'm a happy camper now!! I was happy when my wife went back to work as I was able to care for myself some and now much more at the eight year mark!! Sure I may never get back to walking, bowling and living the life I did prior to the stroke but that's alright I'm on the other side of that mountain and I truly enjoy being able to do all I can do for myself!!


Well I won't bore you all with a long Blog but just wanted to tell everybody a survivor's life is pretty good considering everything along the way when you can at least do some of the things you did before the stroke! I have an older brother that is in bed and can't move either side and the doctors can't figure out what all is wrong with his body but he can speak a little bit softly and he is 80 years old come September!!


God is good all the time and at my age I will always depend on his blessings for my life I have left!!!!!!


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Fred, another inspiring blog from you. I too have climbed a mountain or two on my life's journey and travelled through the Valley of the Shadow too when I had viral pneumonia in 1991. But my faith, my family and my friends have always pulled me up so I am happy to sit on the mountain grass and rest for a while, ready to make the next part of the journey.



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Fred, you give me hope that my Bob will be able to do something for himself some day. Just to be able to get yourself a drink of water, change the tv channel without ending up on some weird thing would mean so much. You've been on this trail much longer than Bob though (Feb 29), so the future will hold our answers. Today, I'm thankful to still have my husband, and that's going to get me thru.

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Fred :


great blog it felt like someone read my mind & wrote this blog. after going through valley one do appreciate mountain bit more. post stroke life can be still good just little different on how you achieve few things differently.



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Fred, when you share these intimate thoughts and experiences with all of us, it just gives those of us still on the up side that much more determination to reach the top. I share all of your blogs with Bruce. Just to let him know he is not alone. Thank you, Debbie

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That was beautiful. You always have the most inspirational things to say and I enjoy reading them. I’m glad to have climbed over this mountain too and hope to climb many more. I’m almost starting to feel like my old self again and that is a wonderful feeling. Even though when I wake up my physical body reminds me that I had a stroke my mind feels great like I can do anything and so it’s not such a huge struggle anymore. I guess it’s true what they say “It’s mind over matter” and now that I’m more positive I do feel a lot better and have more energy, my eyes are working with me instead of against me now


Every morning on my way to work I pray and thank God for how he has blessed me and continues to bless me each and every day. And how he has surrounded me by supporting and encouraging people, so now I understand why those who have left weren’t really needed because he placed the people that I needed in my life for this season of my life.



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Fred im gratefull to be here an a life an to clim that mountain .Ischemic stroke a bout five years a go i was paralysed in bouth hands an legs . I stayed in houspital for tow week an then wen"t to rebhab got some felling back while i was their . but not a hole lot. stayed their four a bout a month . then got to come home. They gave me QUID CAIN to use but stell could not stand up on my own . So a friend came over to see me and to help me to get dress the next day home and i ask her if she would help me out by helping me to walk a gain an she stayed right by my side tell i learn to walk on my on . an with Gods help i did it all by my self i ask God an my prayer was ansurd . So im walking on my own now with no cane just when i go out . on the town . It took me to get mad at my self but i did it an now im a liveing pruf that if you wont it bad you can do it . all eny body has to do is pray to jesus . An ask mim to help you to do it with a lot of work to get you their .


Little Jo.

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Little Jo you are so right and once we pass the age of 45 it's time to make that turn toward heavenly thinking and leave the pass behind we'll have better times ahead!!!

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Thanks Fred, your Blogs are always great to read... I have been up and down a few mountains as well.. those mountains do make us stronger. Along these paths we can meet some amazing people.

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Guest hostwill


Fred, Great blog,

I too am thankful in the progress i have made. Never give up!


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