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Bless my kids



We had a brilliant Fathers' Day with Ray yesterday. I didn't know Shirley and family were coming up till Friday night but was so pleased they were making the effort. Trev and family, my special support team, I knew would have a picnic lunch with us, Steve had not said he would come at all.


Sunday morning I was not on the roster for church so I almost didn't go but decided I have enough to be grateful for in any seven days so off I went. I was asked immediately if I could fill in for one of the girsl who had gone home with an asthma attack. So I quickly got into the alb etc. I wasn't really prepared but I guess things are starting to be routine now so I was okay. I managed to get through the intercessions, haven't done them for a while and only sidestepped in the wrong direction twice during the ritual. I had a quick cup of coffee and it was off to see Ray.


Ray was still in his room so I wheeled him out into the sun and kept an eye out for Trevor. They came about twenty minutes late, which is understandable with a three month old baby and another child to get ready. That was just as lunch was coming so we wheeled Ray and his lunch outside and down to the park. Trevor, brawny guy that he is, handled the big chair just fine. By then Edie, Lucas and Alice were in position under a shady tree so while they got lunch ready I fed Ray his lunch. I had packed a salad so their ham and bread rolls and my salad made a very nice lunch. I'd brought an extra treat for Ray, friuty yoghurt, so he got that too.Later on Trevor went down to a local shop and got them all ice creams as well (sugar high for Ray I guess). We were in no hurry to go so we sat and talked while Ray looked around and enjoyed being with his family. He was fascinated by Alice, who laid in her bouncer with her little hands waving and face smiling, and she thought he was pretty interesting too.


Just after 2pm we repacked Trev's car and I farewelled them. I went back into the facility and there were Steve and his three children busy looking for us. So we wheeled Ray back into the courtyard. Luckily I had a pile of fresh fruit still in the car so that and a couple of drinks for the kids and the coffees I made in the kitchenette for Steve and I looked very much like a continuation of the lunchtime party. He rang his sister to see where she was and when she said half an hour away he decided to stay that long. I took the little ones down to the park while the aides changed Ray. The little boys love running around in the open air so they thought that a treat.


Shirley and Craig were still in their Sunday Salvation Army uniforms as they had come straight from their church service. Ray was pretty tired by then and as the aides had put him back to bed was just nodding off when they came. Steve and family stayed on for ten minutes or so and then left. Shirley, Craig and family stayed until the evening meal was being prepared for and we came on home. I think Ray remembered they were there, I hope so.


Shirley and family and I went out to dinner with Trevor and family, Edie's idea for him to celebrate his first Father's Day since Alice was born, he had celebrated as Lucas's "Dad" last year too of course. He told us he got two breakfasts, coffee and toast cooked by Lucas when he first woke up (very early) and then later the traditional bacon and eggs cooked by Edie. It was good to spend some more time with them and I noticed Lucas sat near Christopher and they did some boy talk, of course they are both Big Brothers now and so have another thing in common.


We did watch a kid's movie when we got home but we were all pretty tired. Shirley and family headed for bed and I came out on the computer for a while. They left to go home after breakfast this morning and she just rang and said they got home about 2pm and she would have rung earlier but they had all had a nap. Battling through city traffic will do that to you.We only said goodbye until Friday as they will be back up for Ray's birthday on Saturday, Ray will be seventy (the biblical three score years and ten) so although we can't hold a party there will be another picnic in the park hopefully if the weather is fine and warm again.


I hope Ray can remember the family gathering around him for Fathers Day but if not we will all remember (with the exception of Alice) and store it among our happier days.


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You are really blessed to have such a lovely family to enjoy. We are pretty much alone here, my side of the family are poisoness and his side are dead or live away. I'm so happy to hear of the wonderful time you and Ray experienced, you are both overdue for a little joy :)

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Sue, you know Ray may remember all the people around him and the time but maybe not that it was Father's Day or the names but inside I think he enjoyed the company there with him and that is gratifying for sure! I see myself as enjoying the kids around, the dog and other people relatives or not!! Names, I have forgotten so many of them it's not even funny!


It kinda gives you something to remember about Ray too and how happy he seemed to be with all them around!!

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In the truley important way -- you and ray are blessed!!-- with terrific kids--- no bigger more important job and you guys did it and did it well....nancyl

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Glad to read this wonderful blog. Glad that your family could be all together for Father's Day and that Ray got a chance to get outside and enjoy his new granddaughter. Hoping that next wekend is bright and sunny so that you all can go it again

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