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More bicycle pedaling because the pool is closed.



The Ymca that we usually use is closed for remodeling. They are putting a new roof on the indoor pool. this is supposed to take anywhere from 3 to 4 months.


In the meantime, I can use a different Y, but the drive makes it impossible for me to use the pool on a daily basis. Perhaps twice a week depending on the weather.


I got William up at 6A but we had lightening on the way over. That means that the pool is closed. So, I turned around and drove home.


I will call and see if the pool is open now. Perhaps the lightening will not come back. But the forcast is for lightening to keep coming. that means that is there is a hint of lightening then I will have to come home.


But, I did have William use the Bicycle pedal for 15 minutes. That is good for William.


Now he is resting.


I will have to come up with other exercise options. I will let you know what i come up with.


Wed. Night. William asks me what day it is. I let him know that it is Wed. He says we need to go to church. He does know what he wants to do. So, I get him together and take him to church. It was good. I had decided to skip church if William did not remember. I was a bit tired from work. But, if he can remember what is on the schedule then we will do it.




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Ruth :


reading all caregivers blogs I realise we survivors would not have done so well in our recovery without significance contribution from caregiver, who would take us where we need to be.



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Ruth, you are to be commended in my book for how far along you have brought William from the time I stopped by to visit you all some time ago!! His walking is probably a lots better too with all the pool therapy he has had under your directions!!

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it is awkward when you have a routine and it is interrupted by something like the pool closure but you are resourceful and will com e up with something else I am sure. It will give you some down time too so make at least an hour a couple of times a week "Ruth time".


I was of the same mind as you if Ray indicated he wanted to do something I did it.



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Ruth, as when the weather prevents, you have to go with the flow. Going out in the rain with a disabled spouse is no easy task. It's good when our spouses want to do something. There are few things Larry will do willingly - exercise at the facility, church, Dr. appts. and visit the kids. I called your name in chat but guess you had already left or were helping William.



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Ruth: so sorry about the pool. Reminds me of when Jen came for the month, and ours was closed for cleaning. Figures. Always seems like we get on a roll and something throws a wrench into the mix. Hate change-LOL.


A new routine will emerge, always does. No, we won't like it much in the beginning, but somehow there will be positives, sometimes unexpected, that will evolve. Please do let us know. Your problem solving never ceases to amaze me, you just look at the issues so differently than I do. So will be looking forward to the suggestions. Debbie

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