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What If we had NO Worries in Life?



Wouldn't it be boring if we had no worries in life???? Think of how much time we would have on our hands and a mind that is free of worries in life!! Really can you just imagine life with no worries??? I bet that kind of person would live a long life like the guy in the bible did (Methuliser) I don't know how to spell his name nor at this moment where to find it in my bible!!!


That's boring, I got no worry because if you read this blog you get my drift!! Reminds me of some of those Clint Eastwood classic movies he made long time ago!! Anyway life is what you make it out to be and we shouldn't worry but leave that to God, what can we do about a worry anyway!!


Can we make it rain today? Can we make it cooler tomorrow?? No we can't but we can get in a swimming pool or the shower and sing, no I can't sing either!!! No we can't make it cooler but we can turn on a fan or the AC! Our powers are very limited when we really think about it at all!!!


Think about this!!! Can any one human being or one electoral vote elect a president??? The answer is no, no, and no again!!!! Can you imagine for an hour or one minute how many people are worried right now who will be president tomorrow???? Well, I'm one that is not worried, it's nothing I can do by myself to change the outcome anyway!!!


I have been getting messages all morning telling me to get out and vote, well I already did early last week!!! But to worry about something like that, no way!! I can imagine many Americans are on pins and needles holding their breaths!!! We should have a few more deaths tomorrow don't you know??? The funeral homes will be smiling all the way to the banks!!!


OK, enough of that stuff but just don't worry yourselves about something you can't control!!! If you are reading this and you are a Survivor then only you can control your recovery process in how much or little you get back!! IF YOU ARE A CARE GIVER you can't control how much a survivor gets back in their recovery but you worry if they don't get back what you feel they should!!! In fact you are ready to leave them alone!!!


That won't solve them getting back any more or less, ain't it funny (to me) how we worry about things we have no control over and we still do it everyday then wonder why our hair is turning gray!!!! It makes Miss Clairol happy she can sell more hair dye in all colors too!!!


One Sunday I was in church and the Mission Choir was in the choir stand, they are the older ladies, moms, grand moms, great grand moms, you know the type!!! Well as I was listening to them sang it hit me..."No one had gray hair, no one looked that young"!!! I guess they all had on wigs or dyed their hair!!!


Obviously they were worried about how they looked not how they sang or sounded to the members in the congregation!!! But then aren't we all worried in some way about how we look??? We had guess preachers visiting and sitting in the pulpit right there in front of them so just maybe some were looking for soul mates??


Well, I never worry about how I look or what I got on so long as nothing is showing that shouldn't be because there is nothing I can do about what my mom and dad did to make me like I am today!!!!!! How one look is in the eye of the beholder anyway!!!!


Popeye still loves his girlfriend (Olive Oil) and will eat a can of spinach to get strong and protect her too!!!!

He ain't worried!!!!!


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Fred :


great blog once again. for me personally when I surrendered to God's will in my life I felt as if load lifted off from my heart. I learnt valuable lesson in my life thanks to stroke, which is do your duties right with good intentions & don't worry about the outcome. whatever the outcome will be believe something better is going to come out of this even though it does not see that way right now. learn from those mistakes made in life & move on.



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words of wisdom. If i didn't worry then I would have so much peace.

I know that it is silly. I pray that I have peace. But, you know it is hard to let worrying go.


I will keep trying not to control everything. Then, maybe some of my worries will be gone.



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Ruth, you are exactly right, I stopped trying to control everything and my worries are long gone!!! For instance when we drive to Houston I don't worry about how the traffic will be but my wife does and I'm doing the driving!!! If it's many cars in every lane so be it I will get to where I'm going eventually!!! I don't put a time frame on my head so when I get there, I made it!!!!


Another needless worry is "Should I stop for the toilet" "at the next service station I get to"?? That doesn't bother me and I don't worry about that!! I carry my urinal so I can stop any place on the roadway I'm allowed to pull over to the side and pee in my urinal!!!! I'm handicapped remember!!!!


Like one day now we are coming to visit you and William I just don't know when yet!!!!

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Fred, you are great. I was a worryer, when I was younger, everything I worry about. With age and a stroke, I know that my worry did not help. The bible said that worry does not change a thing. We are humans, and even if we give it to God, we still feel that we have to help him. Like we can do anything! I do give everything to God and when I start to worry, i tell myself Yvonne, let it go.


My blood presure is still high, so I do need to let it go. God has got me.


God bless Fred



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