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a strange thing happened this morning



This morning I set out as usual to see Mum. When I got to the Nursing Home the door to her room was shut so instead of leaning against the wall for 20 minutes I went into the hostel part to see an old friend. I visit her about twice a month and she accepts that, every visitor she gets is very welcome she tells me. She was a member of my old church so I told her I was meeting a few ladies for lunch today, she always says "maybe I will come with you next time" but she never does.


When I got back to Mum's room the door was open, she was not there and the bed next to hers was gone too. Freda got sick about the same time as Mum did but I knew she was very sick as yesterday the nurses were checking her hourly. Last week I think they were about the same condition but this week Mum is slightly better. I had a quick look in the room where the church service is held for Mum and she wasn't there so I went looking for her.


As I passsed the nurses desk I asked if Freda was okay. The nurse said she was in the chapel and would I like to go there? In the chapel I saw a young minister who is a friend of my son-in-law's and a woman in ther thirties I had not seen before and Freda on her bed. Yes, this was the last rites being performed. I sat quietly and prayed for my old friend who I knew had been among other things, a missionary, a children's nurse, an assistant in a small children's home and in her fifties when I met her a woman of much compassion. I knew she was dying by her breathing and her coloring.


The last rites service is short and meaningful and is said both for healing and forgiveness of sins. The niece and I added our prayers and "amens" and it was over. As the service ended the niece said: "I think she is gone now." and she had slipped away. I have seen quite a few people die in my chaplaincy work but never as quietly as she did. It was both peaceful and somehow reassuring that death can come so silently.


I went on to the lunch and the women there who had all known Freda were a little subdued by the news of her passing, we have lost three members of our group in the past three months. One women summed it all up when I had told them the story, she said: "her spirit was released" I agree, it was exactly how I had felt at that moment.


I went back this afternoon to visit Mum and she was fine, a little figgety but I was able to take her outside into a shady spot to listen to the sounds of spring. She seemed to calm down after a little while. I was glad I was able to do that for her, there is very little else I can do really. It is visit, speak, sing, massage her hands, the little touches of human kindness. I wish there was more I could do for her.


I just wanted to put all that down on paper. It was a proivilege to be there at a friend's passing, quite unexpected for me but somehow it felt right, as if a part of where I am right now.


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I had the privlige of being there for my moms passing although unexpected I am glad to have been there - it was peacefull - she just got tired.. and although mom was not catholic - we had a family friend( priest) who had done the annointing of the sick when she had first been in the accident.. so my mom got it as well.. and although it is a ritual - and a important one. like i said mom not being catholic - but accepting of any prayers - she did get that wonderful blessing from a old friend and her daughter by her side as she passed... although a peaceful beautiful passing - unexpected so i railed and cried when it happened.. but in hindsight - i remember the peaceful passing of a beautiful, peaceful woman..nancyl

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Oh Sue, your life has allowed you to see so many things and do even more that keeps you busy going and coming daily, I'm proud of you all the way in Texas as you are instrumental in many lives!!


I call peaceful passings like that "A Home Going" my mom was the same way at 83 years old, she went at peace with the world!! The father calls them and it appears they are ready to come home to Him!


You are the person that can handle any and all strange things like it was nothing and still ready to do more when called upon!!! I'm glad your mum is okay and not in any pains or worries as you visit her often!!

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Sue: I have always felt that it was somehow an honor to be priviledged enough to share someone's passing. You seem to have the same feeling. For some reason, and I know this is strictly personal, I am one who believes one should not have to pass alone, if it can be helped. I call that final time "making their peace." I have seen so many - my own parents as well. Both of them chose to do it alone.


It was a blessing that you were able to be with her. She has been a long time friend and you will certainly miss her. But like Ray, she has left her legacy and for that she will be blessed, remembered and loved.


Do take care and am so glad Mum is doing better. Good weekend, Debbie

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Sue :


you were so fortunate to be present at your friend's passing which felt like right way to go instead of stuck in the hospital, its nice to be surrounded by God's love & few people who cared enough to be present at your passing. It would be nice to go to our next journey like that. I am glad mom is doing better & you are there for her. I wish I will get that kind daughter-in-law.



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