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I hate log splitter's



Hmm.... Ok I stepped out a little with my first blog. A milestone to say the least. I have been cutting a little wood.. well splitting allot of wood. It is killing me. I had 4 trees cut down because they were a little aged. Of course I said I would keep the wood.... bad choice. I have spent three.... three days splitting wood. Not at all what i would consider fun. Do not remotely enjoy it. I would have to say i hate splitting wood. I had one maple tree that had a least a 6 foot trunk. My chainsaw has a 20 inch bar...... Of course I am going to use this stuff when I go camping. And I will remember how much pain it caused but relish in the fact that I will have the best campfire next year. Might take a few weeks to heal up.... but I can't wait until spring. Hopefully I did this blog right. LOL I'm trying.


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Terry, your blog is PERFECT!!! Welcome to the Blog Community, I guess you've read a lot of blogs, maybe commented on a few but now, at last, you are one of us.


Blogs mean different things to different people, I just use mine to sort out some of the thoughts running round and round in my head, to make some sense out of what is happening in my life, and maybe reflect a bit on what all that means.


I'll look forward to you writing blog number 2.



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My friend's husband cuts wood for a living and he complains every night that it kicks his butt--and he didn't have a stroke! I usually sit there listening with my best empathetic look and then say something like Quit whining, you big sissy!" He just shakes his head and promises to get me back.


That's hard work Terry but you will get your revenge soon with a crackling fire under the glow of your owl lights!

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Terry :


welcome to wonderful therupetic world of blogging. I can't believe you doing such manly hardworking jobs like cutting wood post stroke which is hard for so many able bodied people. I am sure yu are going to enjoy that wood for your campfire soon.



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Oh dear, that is hard work. Be careful about not over doing it, nor cutting your fingers off! My mom once fed her fingers into trimmers that were ON, because they LOOKED still and she forgot they were running!

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I would not want to do this for a living, but I am grateful I still can. And a little hard work never hurt anyone. Ok who said that? It does hurt. LOL But you can bet I will be rocking those owl lights this summer. With a huge amber glow of my campfire. LOL


Ok..... How do you add a pic. I really tried but for some reason I am having a little trouble. : )

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You did it right however by the time you get those four trees split and sawed up like you want for campfire you'll be to darn tired to lite the fire once you pick a site to camp out!!


I'm thinking now about fire wood for the fireplace this coming winter months so as I drive around everywhere and look for signs saying fire wood for sale!!


If I feel it's too high for the kind he has I ask for a senior citizen discount and they knock off a little of the asking price every time!!!!


I'm thinking if you tell a guy looking for wood you could sell him some of it if he would cut it ALL up for you!!! That may work!!!! Four trees you probably got a couple pickup truck loads or more!!! If not "Happy cutting to you"!!!

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