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mental illness, violence



I am so saddened by recent elementary school shooting, there are so many factors here at play gun control, mental illness every thing. I don't understand why would any responsible parent will keep automatic weapon at home. mental illness I understand, I went through that feeling myself, but ofcourse in my state of despair only person I want to hurt was myself so in that regard antidepressant helped me look beyond my grief, and loving support of my family specially my soulmate my husband & my purpose to fight on was my son, and this support group helped me hang on till I found my inner strength back again to see sun shining again in my life. I don't know maybe being spiritual person & great books also helped me deal with my new normal sooner than later. I am so greatful for all these blessings in my life that I am able to wean myself off all antidepressant, and pretty happy about it.




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You know Asha, the fact is to admit there is a problem in the home in that area then fix it! In this case the mother ignored the son's condition while she had her own set of problems with the ex husband and him re marring!! That's a lot on the plate and it's so sad this happen to such young children in the same neighborhood and school!!


Like you it saddens my heart to know so many real young lives were cut short way too soon!! All of them will be in my prayers and they will be little Angels in God's kingdom forever more along with the adults in their lives!!!

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Yes Asha, we have to speak openly about mental heath, and about gun control.


Iamfrom England, our police man still do not carry guns, though now they have then in police cars.


They are too many guns on the street. Also kids have an argurement and they talk about getting a gun to solve the argurement. Look at the violent on the TV, and video games, my daughter does not buy them for her son , yet his father does, and two years ago, the only toy he could think of buying was a gun!

The guns in the house belong to the Mother! what was she thinking? evern if she liked hunting, they were not hunting guns.

I used to teach Kindergarten, and I haded boys who needed help, before they problem became a big problem when they got older.

One young man, the other kids were scared of him,he was very bright but no soical skills, and said he heard voices. The prinical and myself try to help theMother get some help, but the father could not see that his son needed help and the doctors kept giving him tablets. The father took him out of the school, blaming me, I wonder how he is doing. I ask myself, if my Child was showing signs of illness, what would I do?


I have been praying, only God can bring peace in my soul.



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This is a very touchy subject. It is really too late for gun control. We have already flooded the market many times in the past every time this happens. And who commits these crimes? The mentally ill. In all the past cases it has been someone with a severe metal disorder. Weather it is a AR15 semi auto rife a 9mm handgun or a shotgun. Now i do think all the high capacity mags should be banned... meaning you cannot own a high capacity mag. If you are caught in procession you would be severely fined. No one needs 30 round clip's. Period. They tried too do this before and the dealers just made money. Pre ban Post ban. Just do away with the high capacity mags and the AR15 would just be the same as a hunting rifle. The mental illness is another story.

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Asha: not that I am an expert on this, but I did have to receive training for my First Responder, Haz Mat, Terrorism-mass casualty unit.


Reminder, it took over seven years to break down and figure out what happened at Columbine. Unfortunately that data base has now expanded, but it will take a long time to get through this investigation.


There is a certain "mind set" among these young people that puts them at risk to do this. It is not necessarily mental illness, but it certainly is personality disorder. However for the thousands that fit this profile, how many will actually take it as far as mass murder? I think most parents feel it is just "being a teenager." The more honest, true information we receive, the better for society to perhaps suggest some professional help. At least make people aware of the warning signs. Then a professional: teacher, school psychologist, troop leader, coach could suggest to the parents that there may be a problem.


Most are at least middle class if not affluent and very intelligent. Another reason they slip through the cracks.


I truly believe that there is no way this Mom would have kept weapons in the house if someone had raised a red flag. From the people who knew her, she kept her family life very private. But she was well-read, had dealt with some of his issues with school professionals. I have to believe that if she had any idea this could happen, she would have responded.


I disagree somewhat with Wireman in that I really do not see a need for semi-automatic weapons. One does not hunt a deer with a semi-automatic. But I strongly agree with him about the high capacity magazines (and thank you Wireman, I did not know the term for them).


There is no simple answer. Our State Police spokesman said it best, I think, when he said this incident was an onion - all the layers need to be pulled back before we find closure.


In the meantime, Connecticut has a very rough week ahead. Press is doing a wonderful job here. Very respectful. Debbie

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Thank you for your insight everyone. This is a HUGE problem with gun control and mental/behavioral issues too . Something has to be done and the legislators keep dilly-dallying around back and forth. I pray for those who have gone to heaven and also the families who are suffering here on earth.. I asked Jerry, my dearly beloved, to help up in heaven if he can. It will be a long time before all the details come out on this event...I hope there will be some good.. Lock-down at schools is a good idea - I wonder how the shooter got in; I heard he broke a window near the lock the then reached around and opened the door. Rumor or not but something to think about. There were a lot of brave little ones that day. God bless their souls. Leah

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