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I'm Glad To See This Week Over!



Man, I thought today Friday would never come without more TV news of all the things happening with the shooting at the school, the burials, going over the Cliff at the White House, the snow everywhere, and bad weather in Alabama, to the NRA not having much to say about guns!!!


Today we learn the president has nominated John Kerry as secretary of state replacing his nomination of the lady John McCain and others were against, Ms. Rice!! Another battle goes on between the president and speaker of the house so I'm thinking we will all go over the cliff, pay more taxes and what ever else comes about in short order!!


In my opinion one of those two men will have to change jobs they now hold for anything to get done in the white house!! I suppose that's not going to happen no time soon!!


When I turn to sports and listen to all the chatter about the Jets, Tim Tebow and Sanchez and will the Eagles win or lose this weekend that too gets old fast! I mean it's the same conversations over and over like they have money bet on the teams to win or loose!!


All the sport announcers, men and women have different opinions on who will win a game and they are wrong most of the time so their conversations get old too quickly! Maybe I'll have to turn the radio on and listen to some music or just get in my bed and rest my nerves most of the day!!


That way I only have to go across the street and get the mail at around 4pm!! Meanwhile the puppy and me can get our rest doing the day but wait today is the last day of school until the new year so that won't work either!!!!


Okay, I'll talk on the phone until I get tired so that won't be very long either!! I sure hope my PTSD is not coming down on me today because I'm fully awake!!! It's way too cold to be outside on my scooter so maybe I'll go downstairs and lite the fireplace and roast marshmallows on a stick! Wait, I got no sticks?


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What is PTSD? We will probably get bored as time goes by, but are going into our hibernating mode because of winter actually arriving. For now, we are overjoyed to finally not be dragging around to therapy and being so tired. Hopefully, more things will come out of our winter home time!

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Fred :


for me doing exercise while watching TV keeps me away from getting bored. I now have set routine with my shows & my treadmill & ofcourse this website keeps me entertained for whole day.



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Fred, there is something to be said for turning off the TV and watching old movies, wildlife documentaries etc. Classical music always settles me or sometimes if I am in the moodI listen to jazz. The television is all about bad news and how much bad news do you need in your life? You need to get away from the terrors of slaughter and back to the world in which good men and women live.


I'd give you a rundown on Aussie politics and that would put you to sleep, it is all "he said", "she said" ,"they said" and very little of it about what was actually said.


Maybe in the New Year you can find a seniors centre where you can play dominoes, talk bowling, find some company rather than sit at home. I am a social creature and when I get that feeling that life is going round in circles I go somewhere where kids are playing, people are drinking cofee and gossiping and people watch for a while.



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OK, here is the answer: PTSD is post traumatic stress disorder: Many soldiers now are being awarded this title for compensation from the VA! I actually had this since my hospital return from Vietnam in 1970 but was not given compensation at 10% until 2007 and later upgraded to 100% in 2010! I still have not gotten any back pay for the difference in percentages even with an attorney!! I guess they hope I expire or go away!!

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I go to the senior center on some days but that gets old fast even if I use different machines for exercising my limbs!! I got the little puppy to care for doing the day while my little one is in school until 3pm!! It's Christmas break for school so I will make some changes and go many more places since she will be out of school for two weeks!!


Then 1 January is the puppy's one year old birthday!!! I think my grand daughter returns to class the Monday after New Year!!!

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Hello Fred,


I go for my walks that keeps me in a good mood, life up my spirits. Also I listen to music, I have a oldie of Motown, christmas music. I am not watching the new, it is full of sadness. also there was an election, the people have spoken, I smile that the fighting is over people that can and should paid they fair share, the World is full of selfish people, so I pray alot, I read my bible, that keeps me postive.


My Grand kids keep me busy! they are so ready, last Saturday we went to see Santa, and it was fun.


I can not get a ride to a center, told Iam to young! but I try to take what is negive and turn it into a postive.


Fred, enjoy your family, have a Merry Christmas, and lets remember the reason for this season.



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