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Hello 2013!



It is hot. So HELLO 2013, so glad you came at last! What a blast! Such a contrast to Christmas Day when I wanted it to be hot. So some suitable beach weather for me at last.


I offered to have three of my grandchildren over New Year's Eve for my daughter in law who works on Police Assistance Line (like an Emergency Line). For me to have them benefitted her as she didn't have to pay for a Babysitter and me because I had some company. It is a grand way to wake up on New Year's Day with the sound of kids in the house. Mind you they did tire me out. Now they have just gone so I can relax and enjoy the peace and quiet. For me keeping busy is what dulls the pain, too much time to think and I am crying again. I want 2013 to be a much better year and it is up to me to make it that way.


The grandkids asked to go to the beach this morning about 9am and I would have loved to have taken them but three little ones and me on my own? Not a good idea. I offered to have them overnight while my daughter-in-law worked and kept them a few extra hours so she could get at least four hours of sleep in. It is hard for her on her own. I am glad Ray wanted to be home on a regular basis, even when he was in the Fisheries, a job requiring a lot of patrol work of the river network so a lot of time away from home, he mostly managed to be with us for the significant holidays. I do so miss that aspect of family life.


So we got up and Tori helped cook breakfast, she is 11 now and a big help to her mother. She makes what she calls an egg pancake which is a type of omelette and the boys ate that all up. They need that protein boost as they certainly go flat-out all day. It is like a day at a race track! They are busy and noisy, typical little boys. Oliver starts school this year so they will be in sixth class (Tori) first class (Alex) and kindergarten (Oliver) all at the same school. In 2014 Tori goes off to one of the local High Schools.


There is a new craze not to make resolutions for the New Year but to have a Word of the Year. I could not think of an appropriate word but have decided on one Alex (6) uses all the time. He says :Why don't we do .....Granma? it would be fun?" and most of what he suggests does sound fun, just not appropriate for a 65 year old widowed grandmother of seven. So my word for this year is FUN. So if you can think of something that is age appropriate and inexpensive and sounds like fun do please let me know.


I am starting to talk about Ray and Mum at last without tears. It was hard at first when so much pain from those last few weeks for each of them clouded my mind. Now at last I feel as if I can speak about them again as they used to be. Tori amused me last night when she spoke about one of the characters in "Hairspray" which we were watching together while we waited for the midnight firework display on Sydney Harbour to come onto our TV screen. She called the wowser Mom, "even more old fashioned than great Granma Durkin". I suspect she has a fairly warped view of what my Mum was like but she still knew from what I tell her that Mum could be fun and a bit of a quirky character so she knew she was not as strait-laced as some old Grannies can be.


I do not have any plans much for this period of the year, the time before school starts again except for doing some extra reading. Then comes February when it is all about the meetings,decision making committees etc.meeting to put the 2013 programs into place. I have not decided how I want my life to be, most people are saying to just let things settle down before I make any major decisions and I think that is good advice. I don't want to make changes just for the sake of making changes, that would be silly. On the other hand I know trying to make life stand still isn't possible either. I am not constantly in a state of denial, I am trying to accept the way life is changing for me.


Where do family and friends feature in all of this? I am not sure. Trevor rang from his truck on the way back from Sydney with only a small load of goods to be transferred via Toll (a bit like Fed-ex). He wanted to wish me a Happy 2013 while he remembered. Pam wished me a Happy New Year when she came to pick up the children, I am having dinner at her place on Thursday night so I will see the kids again then. Shirley and Steven have not been in touch as yet. Shirley and family are at their holiday cottage so out of normal phone range. They need the break and I do not begrudge them that, I just miss the phone contact.


When the neighbourhood is quiet and the phone does not ring it is good that I have friends who contact via email and Facebook. Some people are sending greetings and that makes me feel I am at least in someone's thoughts. I need to start being able to cope alone most of the time. I think I am a bit early in the bereavement period yet to be fully independent but that is the aim.


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I'm no authority on making it thru major life changes but I do know that sometimes we don't get to plan the change. Life throws us a curve and until things "shake out, planning only frustrates us more. It's easier to plan when all the pieces settle and we can see them and put them in some sensible and workable order.


It took me a long time after stroke to realize that though life changed a lot, I really didn't change as much as I thought and that realization is helping me to settle into a new life that I'm slowly putting in place. And there will still be things I'm going to have to admit aren't working and buckle down and rearrange.


You will too. Go easy and give yourself time. Some things you can't rush.

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I hadn't heard of the word for the year. But, I do like Fun. I will ponder a word. I will let you know what I come up with.

The kids were a blessing. I am glad that you had them to ring in the New Year.

Yes, change is inevitable. It will come. It is good that you are thinking about what could/should be done. But, yes, I agree, do not rush into anything.

What will the New year bring??? I often wonder. I hope for the best. But, I want to be surprised.

So far so good, William is still snoozing and I am cooking a pot roast and fiddeling around the house. The YMCA does not open until noon. So I have lots of time before I start the exercise routine.


Take care. I think of you often.



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And Hello 2013 to you my dear friend in the land down under! I think I watched the new year arrive clock wise around the world last night on the computer and TV when I wasn't asleep!! My wife keep waking me up saying you are about to fall out your chair!!!! I saw Sydney Australia, all of Europe all the way around and back to Korea, China and California then to New York!!


That was quite a spectacular show of lights, fireworks and displays I can still see in my mind!!

Sue that was great the kids were there with you and next year will be even better I'm sure they will be older!!! At least you can go to the beach now and we have to stay in front the heater, it's cold here for sure!!


Ever how you want your life to be it's only up to you and that's a good thing but you will find a routine before too long and love doing that!!


When I go to Walmart they ask me "if I just sit home all day??" I say heck no I'm on the go, remember I drive and I got the little puppy to look after during the day but she sleeps pretty much all day until we go out on the scooter, she love to ride on it!!


Then the health care lady is here three days a week so I enjoy my free time at this age now!! Plus I still go fishing when the weather is warm!!

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Guest lwisman




Happy New Year! I look forward to hearing about your new beginnings. I hope 2013 is a good year for you.


It is great that you had a good time with your grandkids. It was quiet here for New Years Eve. I did manage to stay up to midnight (LOL).



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Happy New Year Sue. Please send some of that warmth here. We are cold here and that hampers getting out with Larry. He is cold inside! lol


I'm glad you seem to be doing better emotionally. Your family is a big support. I'm like you and like to hear from them by phone. I'm not much on Facebook but go on to see photos they have posted.


I'm still "dealing" with our new TV problems. Hopefully, it will be fixed today!


Hope to see you in chat.



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Happy New Year Sue! It sounds like you had a lovely new year with your grandchildren. It's good that you're not crying as much. I think you're doing a great job coping with the changes in your life. God bless you!


Mary jo

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Hi Sue, I know that sun felt good. Please that you had the grandkids around. They life your spirit dont they? and you are doing well, Sue, it takes time.


Yes a new year, new begining, I told my husband, we are travelling, now my blood pressure is good Yes! look out world, here I come LOL


Happy new year Sue, God bless



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Sue: finally some heat! And for us the cold has begun. I know you are looking forward to some time on the beach with a good book! And some beach walks. It will be good for us New Englanders to share with you the summer months. Get me though the cold days ahead.


I am glad to hear the healing process has begun. One step at a time. Great news on the kids - that was a great idea for New Year's. They certainly keep you focussed - LOL.


Bruce said today "I wonder what 2013 will bring? Something all of us are probably thinking. Good week. Debbie

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My daughter has been choosing "one little word" for several years now. It has been a great exercise for her. She takes a lot of pictures of the family and it really had gotten out of hand one year. She chose "present" that year and it reminded her to be engaged in the activities with the family as well as getting the photos. Each year that word has shaped how she functioned in her life in some pretty important ways. I think it's a great idea and I love that you chose "fun"! So fitting.


I wish you all the best as you discover how 2013 will help "fun" advance in your life! ~~Donna

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Sue :


I loved that idea of choosing one word for coming year & I think I will choose word joyful, to be joyful in all situations in life.



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