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Now Hear This...Money and Sex!



I am a senior survivor and I forget things easily and perhaps some of you forget things too and it is so common it seems like a practice! The big thing is there is always someone that hadn't heard about it yet!!


In this case it's your money that you have been receiving in the mail by way of a paper check to your mail box for only you know how many years!! Effective 1 March 2013, that's this year, they will stop coming by that method! Getting social security benefits and federal benefits will be electronically through direct deposits to your bank or a direct express prepaid debit card! No more paper checks unless you are a hardship case or a person in their 90's who do not convert to electronic payments will continue to get paper checks!


I'm posting this Blog in the event members here have not heard of the pending change coming 1 March this year! Some survivors don't have care giver close by that looks after their finances!! I hope this notice helps those in this situation that hasn't heard of the change coming!! Some things can slip pass us you know!!


Now hear this, Sex a subject we tend not to read or know about for stroke survivors!


According to a study in the journal Society and Mental Health sexual activity is associated with lower levels of depression in both men and women! Having sex, the most damaging myth about older adults is that aging means saying good bye to sex! On the contrary in a national survey of more than 3,000 men and women ages 57 to 85, more than half of of those 75 to 85 said they have sex more than two to three times a month, and 23 percent claimed to have sex at least once a week. <I think I'm in the larger group without the age>


The benefits? Sex causes the brain to release endorphins, the feel-good chemicals that act as painkillers, and reduce anxiety. Sex also prompts the release of substances that bolster the immune system. I have read in our message board different topics where some members are afraid of having sex or they don't feel it's the thing to do after a stroke.


I feel we all should re-evaluate our own intercessions or actions and go back to what we did prior to the stroke. We survived and we are still a person with feelings, much alive and need to do whatever will help us to recover from the stroke! Having sex is a part of life with your mate and the study has shown it helps us with depression and anxiety, that's good enough for me. What about YOU??


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Fred, you are so correct. After my stroke,sex was the last thing on my mind. Plus my husband seemed scared to touch me. Slowly, with me coming off somuch medcine, and going on my walks, I be sometimes chasing him in the bedroomLOL.


I feel so good, and we are closer.



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