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The cold weather and more snow coming! Driving conditions not good!



Already the news is all about the cold weather and the snow that's coming to almost everywhere. The accidents and many vehicle pile ups on the highways and Freeways are really making the news and keeping the highway patrols busy along with the many wrecker services needed to haul the wrecked cars. In some cases I saw on TV as many as 80 vehicles were involved when just one vehicle hit icy spots and spin out of control while other vehicles are going way to fast to stop. And it's happening in every state this week.


Most drivers are in such a hurry to reach their destinations and don't pay attention to road conditions. I bet many drivers are still trying to operate their cell phones instead of hanging up and drive the vehicle. It used to be when people were planning a trip they would get road conditions to their destinations and I don't think any drivers do that anymore but it's still a good idea to plan ahead, it could save a life or lives when the whole family is in the car. Also we used to get the car serviced for the up coming trip that doesn't happen any more.


I have noticed more and more cars on the shoulder of the highways changing flat tires. When I hit the road you can bet my tires are very good and will get me there and back and I get it tuned up as needed for better gas mileage, it just makes sense to me. I know where I will gas up and when to make restroom stops which is every 100 miles since my stroke. I don't drink sodas or eat heavy foods while I'm driving and I don't change the Cd's my wife does that and we have an 8 CD changer which will take us a long way without listening to the same songs the whole trip. Then in some cities there are good radio stations to listen to.


So if any of you are planning trips over a great distance and changing road conditions please plan your trip carefully this time of year. If you are driving in high mountain areas and passes like in California you will need tire chains too. The highway patrol is sitting there at that point and telling you chains are required. The little tire chain salesman is sitting there too and his chains are twice the price you could have bought them at a tire store or a walmart. Again plan ahead and make your drive and trip much safer. We only got one life and I hate to take chances on the road.


Another bad habit many drives got is to drive until the gas tank is about empty only to find the next service station is out of gas and you don't even have a two gallon gas can of gas in the trunk. Poor planning instead of planning ahead. Give yourself some breathing room on any trip in bad conditions. I thought about Mary Joe and ladies driving to Florida saying to myself I hope they planned that trip and no doubt they did. They got there enjoyed themselves and back. At least I think I remember they drove the car but they may have taken a flight!


Be careful anytime you are driving on the road going any place and any distance. Stay alert, be safe!!!


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Guest hostwill



Good sound advice to Arrive Alive.

Chains are now required in the sierras.

-host will

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As Will say: good, sound advice. Ray always planned a trip, made sure we were safe.


Heavy rain coming our way an almost cyclone that turned into a HUGE rain depression is tracking down the coast. I only go out when it is essential, rather safe than sorry.



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