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Today Was Different From Yesterday!



After the pain clinic appointment for a steroid injection my heart beat was slowed to around 33 to 40, that's super low and before the injection it was very normal. That caused a trip to the ER and a 4 hour stay only to continue to the heart doctor a few doors away. Nothing was found to be the reason for a slow heart beat and a monitor was ordered. I await it's arrival by FedEx probably Monday or Tuesday. In the meantime I have to sit and wonder what is going on or is it the steroid causing the slow beat.


Anyway yesterday I felt good no back ache and today I'm hurting again and being a bit dizzy like so I'm home for today. Hopefully I'm better tomorrow Sunday so I can attend church then come home and get a seat on the 50 yard line in front of my big screen TV without hurting so bad. It should wear off after 5 to 7 days I think I read that right.


Recovering from a stroke plus any other ailments can be a big struggle when you can hardly walk with a cane. I have to keep telling myself it was 9 years last month so maybe I am in a slow down mode now. I feel like I been in a fight with a big bear and the bear won that's how sore I am today so it's time for me to lay down and rest.


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So sorry you are not well Fred, as you say stroke defects plus any other ailment can lay you low real quick. Rest and time will take it all away again.You will be better byt the end of the week.


Enjoy your Sunday as I will mine.



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Feel better Fred. Sorry you have to go through this again but it's good to be on the safe side with the monitor. Yes, enjoy the Super Bowl tomorrow. I just like the half time shows and commercials. : )



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I hope you feel better also, Fred, and I know what you mean about having an ailment after having a stroke...much worse. The PT at the hospital told me it takes twice as much energy than the average person after a stroke - maybe 3x. Well, I'll pray for a better Fred in front of the TV with no pain watching the Super Bowl

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Hi Fred: I'm sorry to hear about your heart trouble and forced inactivity. I know how much your walking and other activities mean to you. I hope you feel better soon. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Henry

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Hi Fred, you are in my prayers, I know you are ready to be in front of your new TV watching the game. You are in my thoughts God bless.



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Many thanks, you guys are great family, I love you and I'll take your advise and try to lay low and enjoy the game and all they have to show us for entertainment without the big price those in the dome are paying to be right there.

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Fred, my mother once had a strange incident after getting a cortizone shot in her foot. She went out to eat and got dizzy and kinda of stumbled across the floor and finally stopped on hitting the wall. I've read that steroids can make your heart race, but can't find anything on lowering of rate. I also saw where they can create a-fib.


Relating to the slow heart rate, my mother did have a very low heart rate with high blood pressure when she had her recent attack. She had been given the stress test and that resulted in discovering she needed a pace maker. But 2 days before the surgery she had the attack of some kind and was in the emergency room with 30-40 heart rate and 244/145 blood pressure (or something like that, I don't remember numbers well). She is now doing marvalously.

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Yea, it's a condition the heart doctor couldn't detect in my case and can't find a reason for it happening. For me that's the scary part unless my fear of long needles make my heart slow down because the first time it was detected before I was to get the injections and this time after the injection. It was fine before I went into the room.


Thanks again you all and I did miss all but the 4th quarter of the game after I got home from church.

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