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How to feel worse



It isn't bad enough to be crippled by a half working body, that same body turns on you and causes injury when you're not looking.


I injured my back while sleeping two nights ago (and last night made it much worse). It is verrry difficult to turn over in bed and difficult getting in and out with half of your body useless. I spent this morning screaming (literally) from pain and because of the pain, my useless foot curled up and made walking more difficult and painful. Trying to get in and out of a high SUV was impossible so, I cancelled shopping this morning.


I have worked some of the pain into submission but, I know one wrong move or laying down will set me back to screaming, again. It's just another day in the life of a "survivor". As they said in "Casey at the bat"...."there's no joy in Mudville today". :(


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Sally listen to me please!


You probably got a gait belt you no longer use and those stretch bands they use in therapy well I use them on my bed post and headboard to help me sit up, stand up and exercise my feet and legs!


Walmart sells them and other stretch cords to use to help you turn in bed and to help me get up from my computer chair! Otherwise I can't stand up on my own power.

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Sorry to hear your back is hurt, Sally. I have weird muscles and have to move constantly or they get stiff and can trigger spasms. I usually get up to go to the bathroom every 2 hours, and when I get back in bad, I lay on the OTHER side. I switch every time I get up.


I got Bob a bed rail that he can use to help himself rise up and swing his legs down, and then stand. The only thing is, you would need someone to put it under the mattress, and I don't know if you have someone. You are supposed to strap it to the mattress, but I find that isn't needed. I just put the long rails together and slid them under the mattress and they hold pretty well. I liked his so much I got another one for me. It really has made getting up easier and safer.

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:) Thanks folks for your suggestions but, I have a bed rail (installed it myself when I installed the mattress) and there is no way to attach the straps you suggest, Fred. My body is the problem....it doesn't work on one side. Like I said..."another day in the life of a 'survivor' ". Another of the things "they" don't understand or tell you about. Just sharing.
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Hi Sally,sorry about your back. I hear you about another day in the life of a survivor, my right shoulder is hurting badly. When I had my stroke it was my right side that got hit. Made good progress. About two weeks,I have been hurting, my shoulder, feet and my lower back. I have been behaving, but it is life. don't want to go too doctor, (I will) tired of meds.

Never mind, hope you get better.



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back problems are definitely not fun! particularly as with 1/2 your body not working. what I've noticed so far is that they do tend to get better.


wishing the best for you.



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Sally :


hope heating pads & ice-packs would heal your back soon. till then take it easy. I know pain is no fun. sometimes my leg will become very sensitive & its so hard to walk on those days. but tomorrow is another day hope you feel better soon.



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