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Woo Hoo! Recognition for Bob!



It's been so long since I've blogged. So much happening, and even Bob's 2nd year stroke survivor anniversary. Due to the plumbing backup/flood in our home, we were happy to just have a low key day and feel content.


Anyway, so his old boss called last week and wondered if we could make it to lunch Wed (today), as a couple of guys that Bob used to work with were up from another state (they transfered to). So, we went and then his boss says, "Well, Bob, I had an alterior reason for inviting you today... blah, blah, blah, something, then something about it was for a program that Bob led, globally, to set up safety standards that had to be met for products that wanted to sell to the USA. (I'm talking about particular products in electric, not all products everywhere). You can see a satisfied smile just beginning on his lips:




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Any recognition is good. A lot of people work hard for a company and never get any recognition. Lovely that Bob did. Hope that makes a difference for him.



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Nancy, Bob used to travel extensively to all countries - France, Germany, Australia, Austria, Shanghai, China, etc, teaching 6 Sigma (black belt level) and Lean Manufacturing (sole head over all the 'champions'), and bringing the other countries that do business with the USA (in electrical things) up to the US safety standards. He would fly into one country, and countries from around that country would fly people in to hear his seminars and start working on getting certified in safety standards, inspecting their plants, safety literature with their products and making them come up to our code to achieve certification. He had his stroke in Feb 2012, but in 2011 he was gone about 150 days that year! I know that 'champion' and 'black belt' are hard to relate to, but translate into the top of the chain of command. While there are other black belts in 6 Sigma, he was the head over all the other champions in Lean Manufacturing. He is the one that put into place, globally, the safety standards that must be followed for those dealing with his company. The company used to be called Square D, and it is possible that you have seen electrical breaker boxes with that written on the door. But it was bought out by a French company named Schneider Electric, which opened the door for him to go global.


He was having a pretty good aphasia day, and felt comfortable with his old friends/co-workers.


I was lucky to just happen to have my camera with me, as I had no idea that he was getting an award, just thought it was a get together of a few he used to work with. Here is a short video I was able to get. His old boss started talking before I realized what was happening, so I didn't get it all:

incase you don't see the vid below- looks like it works the same way whether you click on the link or the video - it takes you THERE to watch it:




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Sandy: Bob must be thrilled - and it is great you got most of it on video. Thank you for sharing. You keep that in mind when you need the hole card to get him movitated. Rock on Bob! Debbie

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First, I'm sure Bob was thrilled just to be around his work buddies. I know Larry always comes to life more around them and I know he misses them. Congratulations to Bob on the reward/recognition he so deserved..



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Sandy: In Poker. The hole cards are the ones you don't show until the hand is over. They can be a complete bluff or take the hand. The saying is about those things you save for a rainy day or when you need some strong back up.

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