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July 2nd 8:30 a.m. Finalized



I know I've been sporadically here as of late.

As many of you know I'm going through a divorce and it's an odd feeling. Not so much as the procedure but the fact I'm stumped because I know he exhausted with the memories pre stroke and that is where I am at a loss. I have no idea. I've excepted the idea it's OK not to always understand. I guess because all I know is the past 5 years and knowing I'm going to start fresh kinda scares me for he's all I've ever known if you think about it. I know if I had extra income coming in I'd be OK. Living on SSID isn't fun. i'm currently at my parents and there is NO rush for me to leave. I love being here for I'm a beach kinda person and they live near many. ( I refuse to call it Down at the Shore for the whole god darn state is basically a 'shore line') I digress .. I feel happier for I feel like me, if that makes sense. We get along great. We hardly argued before but the fact he stayed with me for 5 years after the stroke and helped me recover speaks volumes of his character. And we've signed the settlement agreement and it has astonished many people because the monies I got in the settlement, in which he is entitled to,he opted to just have his name removed from all joint accounts and they remain mine. We are very civil which is why I'm befiddled a lot because if we are so good together ..why? But I know understand he has to deal with the past. Again, my memory loss is a blessing and a curse.


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Kelli, I probably shouldn't comment on this but I do want to say as I've dealt with two people who have lost their memories through Alzheimers and Vascular Dementia I know how empty life must seem from their point of view and how poignant it was for me to watch them both, Mum and Ray, lose their memories and go into a kind of blankness.


For you it has been different as you have the last five years and can probably make out from what other people say that there was a time before even if you do not remember it. Now you have an opportunity to make new memories and maybe from your Mom and Dad to absorb new "old" memories as they talk to you about your childhood, teenage years etc. It will give you a good foundation for whatever happens next.


Good luck with your future plans, enjoy your summer near the beach and allow yourself to feel as well as think. Be in the moment, and I hope there is time to take photographs and couple them with some writing so you can retain happy memories for your future.

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Kelli: I am glad only that there is an end in site. I do know how hard this is for both of you and bless both of you for getting through all this and still remaining friends. I do hope you will continue to reach out to him if you need help. He is truly a stand up guy!


Enjoy your summer right where you are. I am a beach baby as well. Then for the Fall you think about changes you may want to try.


Know I am thinking and praying for you and your family. And please do, keep us updated. Debbie

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Well it's just past 9 pm here in central Texas so I was just checking the blogs on here!! All I can say is many people have gone this way long before you since this is your first marriage. I'm in my fourth one and my best one by far. More civil than my one before now which was number three for me.


So it's hard when any kind of separation comes about and a bit harder for a divorce. I pray for a great resolution between you two with understanding without any guilt feelings what so ever!! The fact is you can still have a life and one day perhaps a new person will be in your life like it did me!! Take time to know that person whomever it will be and the best of life to you Kelli!!


If you have questions about this kind of situation perhaps I may have answers from my four experiences so send me a message!!

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Kelli, please that you and your ex husband are acting like adults, and he is a good person!. Please that you are enjoying your self at the beach with your parents,have a great Summer!


Take care Kelli, live your life, wishing you and your family the best



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Kelli :


you married right guy. he is such a nice guy. hope you guys remain great friends for your son. enjoy your summer



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