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I am feeling so scared, have to write to get it off my chest



our school is starting tomorrow. our kido will be senior this year. I can't believe this is his last year at home before he flies off to college & we will be empty nester. I am filled with so many emotions, I am scared, excited, grateful all emotions filled into one. I am grateful for getting this second chance in life to be able to raise him with my amazing hubby. I don't know as a parent when do you think yes your job done well, now even if death comes knocking on your door you are ready to go. I guess I am getting greedy in this second chance at life & want to see him growing into great young guy & also play with our grandbabies some of the games I played with their dad. I have been very hands off in his high school years & it was hard in the begining, but now I am completely out of touch, he has been handling everything & as promised have not given me any reason to interfere. I still need to learn to let go & let him fly & not get attached to results, hardest lesson of all if you ask me




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Oh Asha - know somewhat of what you are feeling. Even tho we only shared custody of our Britt - just this weekend (she is 30, mind you) she had Uncle Bruce in the driveway looking under the hood of her car - some noise she was hearing. LOL. They are always yours and I will say it is always great when you step back and just admire the person they have become.


It'll be OK and you will be soaring with all his success. Debbie

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I remember well when our oldest went off to college, then our middle child and finally our youngest. Although they never quite came home to live with us permanently again, they remained our kids. And now, as they venture well into their 40s, they are still our kids, as are their own children. Each stage of life has its special advantages and the empty nest stage is just another one. So relax, enjoy and don't worry too much. The best has yet to come. Wait and see.

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You have done well as parents.  He will succeed even more now and you will be proud.  He will still be in touch.  Changes - what life is all about.



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You have survived a stroke ......you will survive this!!  You may even be amazed at how nice it is being an empty nester, and you and hubby can take time off and go without planning around school schedules and activities.   How about a second honeymoon , just the two of you!!



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Asha, each new stage is difficult, change we know is inevitable and yet we are never fully prepared for it.  My kids came and went, Trevor came back three times and each time enriched our life while he was here and life seemed so quiet and the house seemed empty when he had moved out again.  You have done the hard work with your son and I am sure that close bond between you will hold him while he is away and bring him back to you and his father.



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well, yea, same happened to me.   I got terribly ill when he was 9 and still so sick I wasnt' sure I would make his college graduation - so feel cheated out of so much mommy time, that I had hungered for the 8 years we were trying to have him.    But, you will survive it and go on to be happy about new things coming from him.   You will always know their young years were the best in your life though...

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