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Getting there!



Well crazy time here at the shack. Talk about too many pokers in the fire - LOL.


Bruce did great with the garage clean out. We had two weeks of city bulk pick up and I wanted to cash in on that. Two days after we enjoyed our visit with Colleen and Ray, got him right out and set up the folding table. It was chilly but he did great.


Now in the meantime, Mary Beth asked me for a new mattress. When Bruce came home in the hospital bed, it was important for me to sleep with him. I tried a double-high Aero bed but it was cold. I could not get warm. So off to BJs and a twin set with frame for $69.00 and it was perfect for six weeks for me. However, when our mattress came down, twin set went up and poor Mary Beth has been sleeping on that rock for five years. Time to get my precious sister something decent! Erma came Tuesday. I had to go to several stores and try mattresses out. Mary is the same size as me and has the same Carpal Tunnel. But getting Bruce in and out with the WC in the rain was just too much. Once I had it narrowed, took Bruce back on Wednesday to lay on the two I chose.


Now, my thinking. If something happens to our SelectComfort, I can bring the new mattress down, but it has to be firm enough to support Bruce. We got the SelectComfort for exactly that reason. My side is so much softer than his. I was able to attach the headboard and extend the bed frame to Queen size. Jen had disconnected all this, left all the hardware but there it all was! So mattress and box spring coming tomorrow.


In the meantime, Bruce wants to get into his office. We did that also Tuesday with Erma. Coming in from the garage, it is one step. But there is a bookcase behind the door, blocking the door fully opening. So Wednesday Bruce sorted the books and I moved the bookcase. Yes, fans - 80% of the books he wanted donated. Someone better do a rosary for me when he gets into his office and has three walls, floor to ceiling, of books he hasn't seen in five years!


Since that room is basically storage right now, he could only get to one wall - LOL. Today I brought down knickknacks from the attic for him to sort, while I moved stuff out of the upstairs bedroom and measured for bed placement and furniture placement.


Now, as advised. I started all the clean out with the simple stuff in preparation for the major stuff, next Spring I was hoping. Woodstoves, his musical equipment, stereo equipment. But, fans, guess what? The big chain saw could be donated. But had to keep the Stihl because "that is the one I work the best with." And we had to keep all 10 chain saw belts we found. Saturday we are going to Chemical Haz Waste and guaranteed he wll make me keep the Stihl oil mix - LOL. Had to keep air and gas filters for the truck because "will be getting to that next week." So, as everyone advised, this is a long process.


To add some excitement, Tuesday night he blew out his remote to the bedroom TV. The man should be hired by AT&T R&D to trouble-shoot remotes - LOL. Tech just said he would send two new, but then I have to program them. I am having oral surgery tomorrow. Erma will be here for the bed delivery but can't imagine having to program a new remote! Living better through Chemistry - so I hope!


Saturday night we do have a party to go to. Bruce really likes these people and really wants to try and go. I will have plenty of help but it is late for us early-risers - LOL.


Two trips to Big Brothers-Big Sisters, one to St. Vincent de Paul book donation, one to Habitat for Humanity and three trips to the attic and back. If I have to lift one more box or piece of furniture, think I will be jumping off the roof - LOL. Good week, Debbie


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I thought you cleaned everything out on your last cleaning spree... when was that....last winter?   I can't remember.   I'm covered over with the same kind of work here.   If I could just get the garage cleaned out a little, I could bring some of the stuff from the lockers here.    We have 2 lockers and getting down to one would save about $100 a month!   Then down to none.  


I had 1.5 hr dental appt today, to get ready for crown before my current insurance bales out on me.   Go back in 2 weeks.  


I wish I could track it all on my blog like you are doing, but I feel at a loss for words when I think about all that is hitting the fan here.   It's good to see you doing so much, inspires me to keep decluttering/sorting/pitching!

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Debbie, I keep promising myself I will do what you have just done.  I wish I had someone who would help do it but i don't. I will try and be true to my promise to declutter some this summer.  You are inspiring me.


I did the bed thing, moved the double bed, we were in twin beds and then when Ray went into the nursing home the twin beds went into the middle bedroom and I had the new double mattress and Mum and Dad's old bed.  Now that has a squeak which is annoying me so maybe it is time for a new bed?


Don't despair about what Bruce wanted to keep, you did as much as you could and next year should be able to get another load out of the house.  Hold that thought.  

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Debbie, I know another way of getting rid of "things" - Move! lol  I lived at my last address for 38 years and got rid of many things at that time.   Now, I need to rethink what I need to keep as our lives have changed.  I don't need all the dishes and pots and pans, etc.  I have gotten rid of some of the lawn equipment - did not need an edger anymore.  Larry already went through his books and work related stuff.  I can't believe how much you have gone through already.  You have found a perfect way to keep Bruce busy tho. lol



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Yes, Jules, it is true. It is so much easier because he wants to be involved. He was thrilled when he got into the garage. So much has been taken from him and I really think he thought I was tossing stuff without his knowledge. He says "no" but I have to wonder. And even tho there are all kinds of supplies still in his office, he could see the book shelves were full and all his treasures still there.


Sandy - it never ends here and we don't have half what you are dealing with. The cellar stuff, I had him on the deck watching while Carl, Lisa and I hauled stuff out. The shelves, I will have to bring the stuff up to him. The garage works great - right off the ramp and now he can get into his office.


The saddest part of all of this is he can't see what is going on upstairs. But knowing my Bruce, am not ruling out those eleven steps, even if we have to do it with someone here. He so wants to see what I will be doing in our old master for Mary Beth.


Sue - you were absolutely right - once again - LOL. Do the small stuff and ease him into all of this.


I did get the remote programmed. Took an hour. I have no clue what I did. Reprogrammed the TV and the Cable. Picked up the new remote and it worked. That is truly the most stressful for me, especially at 6pm on a Friday night.

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Debbie, I was telling Bob that the stuff in our 2 lockers has already cost us more money than we could ever make off it.   If we THREW it away, we'd be saving $200 a month.... I actually started a new way of looking at getting rid of it all... like thinking of it as 'rent money' like I was renting all that stuff out and so I got $200 rent on it every month for the rest of our lives!   I'm liking that idea, but still HAVE to go thru it.... there are probably papers in there with our social security numbers and credit card numbers on them :(

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Sandy: that is the problem. Everything has to be gone through. Now, I certainly don't have the issues you probably do. A lot of the stuff was left by the previous owner's family when Bruce purchased the home. Guaranteed he needed most of it - storage and like most first homeowners, no money after the closing - LOL. But even with two dumpsters for the new roof and new siding (and we filled them Sandy) there was still a lot to do. Bruce took everyone's hand me downs (six AC units-all working mind you, but free), flannel shirts to work in the yard etc. Was just getting some of the "poor" out of him when he stroked.


Tomorrow will be setting him back up in the garage. I have to bring everything from the shelves in the cellar to him - he can't get down there. Most of it is tools - so best place him right by his newly cleaned out tool box - LOL. That is all we will get to until next Spring and that is only IF he is ready to deal with the really important stuff.


I set up a control central in the garage - Keep, Toss, Donate/Recycle. And we drove the donates/recycles off the very next morning to reduce the clutter and keep opening up the work space. The stuff I could decide on myself (kitchen, bathroom, linens, both of our clothes) I did by myself, mostly after Bruce went to bed. Just plugged away for an hour or so.


I kept a Depends carton in both offices (you will probably need one in the garage as well) for shredding. Our bank does a free shredding twice a year.


The wonderful thing is I finally have the time and energy to do all this. And it is very rewarding. Debbie

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