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Getting Control of My Fatigue?



Just adding to my post yesterday. Although I'm really tired now, after being awake for 3.5 hours, This morning was the first in a very long time that I initially awoke feeling like I had enough sleep......Maybe there's hope that the increased med. dose may help. Fingers crossed (on my unaffected side).


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Although I am not the survivor of the actual stroke -- I am caretaker and wow o wow -- I am seeking sleep as well ( the real kind ) -- I am so glad you found a piece of it.. Dan my husband the survivor gets lots of sleep but it is not restful and he twitches most of the night -- making sleep for both of us difficult ….. hopefully the med increase has helped , and keeps some real rest coming you way !!

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Although I am not the survivor of the actual stroke -- I am caretaker and wow o wow -- I am seeking sleep as well ( the real kind ) -- I am so glad you found a piece of it.. Dan my husband the survivor gets lots of sleep but it is not restful and he twitches most of the night -- making sleep for both of us difficult ….. hopefully the med increase has helped , and keeps some real rest coming you way !!

Thank you, dear, I wish the same for you.

I can understand , as a care-taker, your need for good sleep also...you know, the stroke may have occurred inside your husband's brain but it 'happened' to both of you.  I know, for me, nothing is as it was, our world has been turned upside-down and shaken (like a snow globe).  My husband (and caretaker) isn't sleeping well either, he works full-time (with 2 hours of commuting daily) and has physical ailments of his own, for which he was going to schedule surgery but didn't because.I needed him after the stroke.  Plus, I'm always cold and want lots of blankets; he's always hot and sweaty and wants the ceiling fan on without blankets...sad as it may be to do so (even to say so), twin beds may be in our future.

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I would recommend twin beds.  We had them the last three years Ray was here, partly because of his incontinence and partly because he had clonus in his left leg and would kick out.  Like you and your husband Rose one of us slept hot and the other cold.  So we had twin beds pushed together and I slept a lot better but could reach out to Ray if he needed me. With the same covers on both beds you could not tell it was not a double bed at a glance and there was plenty of room for the wheelchair etc on Ray's side.

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