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Still Recovering Slowly



I'm not back to full health yet from the operation on my right knee to tie the tendons back together so I can use the knee again. Now I have a health care lady for two hours a day for four days each week until I can walk without being scared of falling and I can't get myself up from the floor.


I sat in a recliner chair with that leg straighten out for it to heal properly. The cut is from about three inches below the knee cap to eight inches above the knee and very sore but it's healing up pretty good the doctor said on Thursday when I went in for him to look at how it was healing up.


So my guess is I will still need some more time before I can walk and I got a PT lady starting on next Tuesday to start me walking again outside on the sidewalk and in the garage until I can walk much better than I do now while it is healing up. The hard part for me is trying to stand up the strength is just not there yet.


So in due time I shall be up and walking pretty soon hopefully!!!


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Guest lwisman




Have you considered a rollator? They are really great to catch yourself if you start to fall. Also they let everyone around you know you have a problem. You get fewer shoves and if you do get shoved you can use the rollator to steady yourself.


BTW, glad to see you back on the board!



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Thanks for the update!  Sounds like you're coming along fine.  Ray is still not walking at all after his fall and broken arm in June;  we have him back in PT but he is so weak they are just working on basic strengthening right now.  Patience!  At least you have the right attitude;  the fear of falling is inevitable I guess.

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Fred, I was so happy to see your post as I have been inquiring about you.  Sorry about the knee but I know you have been through tough health issues before and can get back to walking in time.  


My prayers are with you.



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good to hear from you my friend.  and I am very hopeful but  also quite sure that you will be "up and walking" soon.


best wishes,



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Fred - thank you so much for checking in. We have been asking. Easy does it and you know how this goes, little at a time. Keep in touch and know I am thinking and praying for you. Debbie

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Good to hear from you again Fred.  We have sorely missed your blogs and your encouragement to others.  Good friends are hard to find and you have been a friend to many here.  Go on healing, my thoughts and prayers are with you my friend.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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Again, I'm so grateful for all of you as my friends and fellow members here at stroke net. I can tell you all now I am in a shape where I can't stand up from sitting on my bed, on my scooter, and it's so hard to use my stair lift chair to get upstairs trying to stand up from sitting in it. 


It's very hard for me to stand up from the raised seat commode I must use so you can see how I must be in bad shape for doing things on my own the way my knee is hurting even with the brace on it. t's very hard to walk or stand up from any place I sit down. It will be a long time before I can drive or go any place by myself so I'm home bound.


I can barely get up from the bed to sit in my computer chair two feet away! So pray for me you all!!!

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