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Season's 'eatings



Good morning all;


I suppose this is my second blog. I’m going to try to get these blogs out once a week or there abouts, we’ll see. At any rate, my parents visited me yesterday for about 2 hrs and that was really nice. They live about 75 miles away and were on their way to see another sister of mine as well as visiting me. My father just turned 92 the last of Oct. and physically he’s looking pretty good. My mom says that there are times when he gets kinda ‘forgetful’…and I guess that’s to be expected. I don’t like it but… My neighbor and caregiver Ariel and I took them out to donuts and coffee at a usual place where we all used to go and I’m sure that brought back some memories for dad. And mom too. Yesterday, Ariel’s mom came in from out of town and is staying until Sunday. She’ll be visiting with me, even when Ariel is with her other clients, so I suppose the week will be busy as well.

Last night I had to go to a meeting of TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibility) where I am an officer. We talked and laughed about nothing but Thanksgiving which will be in a cpl of days. Ahh, the Turkey and Cranberries and Yams and…ohh man, I’m hungry already! Actually, Ariel will be covering for a co-worker on Thanksgiving (extra moolah for her), so Ariel, her mom and I will go to Denny’s Thanksgiving evening. Then Saturday, Ariel’s day off, we’ll have a traditional turkey meal, courtesy the food bank who furnished a 12 lb bird and most of the trimmings, even Ariel’s favorite cornbread stuffing, oh boy! Goodness, I’m going to be up to my eyeballs in my beloved leftovers.

It’s just breakfast time and two more days to wait…giggle. I only have 3 more lb’s to lose too, which makes me happy.

It stopped raining here in Ukiah and that’s a bummer. We’re expecting more but right now it a bright clear Sunshiny morning. The rain that we did have was refreshing indead but a little too short, I mean it didn’t last to long. The forecast is for rain to start on Friday and last for a whole week, lets keep our fingers (on our good hand) crossed. I hope this seasons a lot wetter this last winter and fills up Lake Mendocino and all the other little dams around the area. I live in the upper end of the Wine Growing area. We have a lot of Bartlett Pears around Ukiah, too which need a lot of water.

It’s almost 2015, the beginning of a new year, a time for me to look at my life and see where I can make changes if I can and situation. It’s almost resolution time. I hope this finds all of you well and in good spirits.



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Bartlett pears - Yum.  Do they make Peri (like apple cider only made with pears) in your area?  That is a really nice drink. Yes, in any growing area good seasonal rainfall is so important.


Thanks Ed for committing to writing Blogs.  That makes me a happy Blog Moderator. :)

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Hay Sue, how the Holiday Season starting out for you?  Ohh, lets see, do you even celibrate anything like this Downunder?

  Really, some years I've seen so many Pears it's unbelievable.  We have a Pear Festival about 40 miles from here in a little town called Kelseyville that starts around the begining of September.  It's a fantastic Festival too, ppl come from several County's.  I'm sure that they make Pears into drinks but the only thing that I've tasted is Pear Butter or maybe it's some type of sause, anyway it's delicious.  I've never tasted Peri before, I hear that it tastes mmmmmMMMM.  lol.  Where I grew up in Sacramento was right next to Apple Hill and we used to have fresh Apple Cider with pulp in it every summer.  Thanks for bringing back the memories.

  Have a nice day Sue. 


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