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Easter Is Almost Here



I think of watching the little kids with their big Easter baskets on the Easter egg hunts usually held at the different church grounds just for them to find the eggs themselves without mom, dad, or brothers or sisters help... I spoke with people I know that work at Walmart stocking who told me they put out many baskets and they sold out...


So to all the members here I hope you get to be involved with your kids, grand kids, friends and families to make this Easter special as an outing... I'm going to try and make it to church if my paralyzed leg holds up and if not I'll just have to get my scooter out my car and get on it like I been today...


Kids always comes first in my mind for having fun on days they are not in school and just being kids playing and having fun in groups with adults around...


Here is hoping all of you feel well enough to get outside for a little while and enjoy the weather since Spring has arrived for the most part but understanding there are a few places snow may still be on the ground... That would make hiding and finding Easter egg a bit hard to do...


Well sports fans I'm still waiting to see which team in college basketball is the best in the country and get out of the final four unbeaten...


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oh yes fred Easter is almost here its the big easter egg hunt but choxalate candy works best to see in the snow Christin is always happy o have easter with all the dinner and the basket ful of goodies enjoy easter with the family

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Fred, Easter Sunday night here and  am all churched out.  I spent a lot of time there today, 6am dawn service, then Parish Breakfast and then a 9am service.  We had kids at both services and yes, we did give them an egg each but small ones as too much chocolate is not good for them.  The adults sang the hymns with emphasis conscious of the meaning of Easter and as it was the first day off daylight saving conscious of the season changes too.


Whatever you did over the Eater period I hope you enjoyed it and found real meaning in it.

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Sue, most of what I do for now is watch the basketball play offs men and women and wonder if anyone will have the winning bracket to win real big money.... I lost out in the final 16 brackets so I didn't win a dime in my brackets I put together....


Well, the President didn't either and he knows and plays basketball!!!

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Hope we are still here the day after Easter and no one suffered another stroke but had a good time and day hunting Easter eggs with the kids and perhaps enjoyed a church service too!!!!

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Hi Fred I hope you had a special day too.  Yes it is all about the kids and I so enjoy seeing little ones every time I go out to the stores and places I go.  I don't have grandkids but I still spoil all adult college kids--mine and their friends--with little baskets of goodies and some pens or something. This year I still managed to be part of the shopping and family cooked up a nice dinner and we got some goodie baskets put together.  I thanked them and said I was proud of them.  I was happy to see them doing family traditions.  It was a joy and I am thankful that I was here for it and thankful for every day this year because i almost missed it.  I am not able to do what I used to do but now it is the kids' turn to take it over.  I guess I didn't mind sitting and enjoying being served lol.  God Bless you Fred for always being so encouraging and reminding us to live live live every moment and get out there and remember to cherish children. 

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