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Spring Is In Full Swing



I have spent some time outside in the yard trying to get my St Augustine grass growing and green again and the tree in my front yard too is green again... So as I stand and look at that I feel pretty good that I accomplished something even in my condition and using a scooter to get around and do all I do with very little help...


Surprising enough I get all this done daily with the little dog on a leash and watching me work... She waits for me to finish so I can take her for a walk around the block... When the school kids see me as they pass my house my little dog wants to bark at them I guess to let them know she is my protector... I have to say she is my protector because if/when I fall she will not leave my side until I'm up on my feet again... She only weighs 11 pounds and not tall being a Shitz Su, a Chinese lap dog I'm told...


When my grand daughter get home from school the dog goes to her and they are outside for an hour or so before I see her again... She loves to ride on my scooter and run in the back yard where she runs along the fence line playing with my neighbors dog... I guess she want all to know she is my protector when the kids come close to me she starts barking as if to say stay away from my master...


Some of the kids look so small or short I can't believe they are in middle school... They look like elementary school kids to me... My yard man finally got all the fallen leaves cleared from my yard front and back so I was able to put the fertilizer down to make the grass greener...


Now I got the pigeons wanting to rest on my roof top in the back near the fire place chimney and make all that noise like they are in heat... I don't have a tree in my back yard but there are several next door and that was their play ground before those people moved out two weeks ago... I think they thought I was feeding them when I put the fertilizer down for the grass to grow more since we haven't had much rain lately and I turn on the sprinklers...


I got to redo the patio area pretty soon and put down more home defense spray to keep the little gray bugs from littering the whole patio area... I got to spray my BBQ shack floor for those red ants that has build homes under the rock floor and around the door area looking for food... BBQ time is coming around pretty soon for me and that will get me out the house in early evening plus have food for my wife to eat when she comes home from work...


I don't have as much "get up and go spirit" as I had last Spring but I'm still recovering from that knee operation and trying not to over do myself outside... Probably, I'll try to walk outside a little more because my walking balance is way down from what it should be in my opinion... I'm very thankful I can drive and I got my scooter I haul everywhere I go to use shopping in the stores or on doctor visits I have plenty appointments to make each week it seems like so I don't have to bother my wife to take me or even go along with me anymore... :D


Well I'm wishing all the members here a happy Spring time and Summer too unless you live in Australia then it's the other way around... You hear me Sue?? I didn't forget about you and others living there!!!...


We all know our own Lenny will be watching all the baseball games he can so I have to talk with him to know which teams to lean toward for championships by season's end... Have a great weekend everybody!!!! **hi**


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Happy Spring Fred, you sound as if you have the whole thing under control so good for you.  The years take their toll on us and as we get older yes it is harder to get up and go.  But there are chores to be done and you have to do them so up you get anyway.  The smell of BBQ in the air always makes me smile, but tear up too sometimes as I remember the great BBQs we used to have here in days gone by.

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Thanks Sue, I really wish I had traveling funds so me and my wife could come all the way to your house for a visit, I owe her a vacation about now... Just for her to have the chance to be near the little bears is worth a thousand words for her and would last a long, long time in her mind...Maybe one day, who knows?

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