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I am thinking of moving my blog to here



My name is John Mitchell, and I am a stroke survivor. I used to be journalist, foreign correrspondent, public servant, publicist, photojournalist and speechwriter.


I had a heart attack Christmas day, 2009, went to hospital, and two days later had a triple bypass. The operation was messy and involved a lot of bleeding, resulting in the surgeon having to undertake a "redo".


During the first or second operations I suffered three strokes, and rather spending 7-8 days in one hospital before being discharged, I spent some four months in four different hospitals.


My business collapsed (the problem with being a sole practitioner) and my wife, Julie, and I retired from Adelaide to the Victorian country town of Kyneton.


But on November 11, 2011, I started a blog on the National Stroke Foundation of Australia's website . This was at the request of the NSF StrokeConnect co-ordinator, Emma Gee. She believed that as a journalist, I might have the ability to encourage others to start blogs on the website.


Initially I did, and some 6-8 others started writing. But then Emma left, and the NSF neglected the StrokeConnect component of its website and everything ground to a halt....apart from my blog.


Between November, 2011 and May 2015 I wrote almost a daily blog that over that time attracted some 150,000 page views.


Around May 2015 StrokeConnect stopped and a new website called "enableme" started......and the NSF - for some reason - simply wiped me off with hardly a word of thanks for the effort I had put in to keeping StrokeConnect alive. This had included writing a major speech about stroke for a colleague, Senator Don Farrell (ALP), which he gave in the Australian Parliament in 2011.


If I sound disenchanted with the NSF, then I am.


An old friend and stroke survivor, ElizabethC, recommended this website to me as one where I could perhaps continue to maintain my blog.


So here I am. :-)


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hi John :


welcome to best online stroke support group. I started blogging because I found it very therapeutic for my soul. my blog revolves mostly around my family & spiritual awakening  while going through this life's journey. I am officially blog junkie. I find reading & writing both helps me big time. I am no writer, but I enjoy blogs, its kinda my online journal.



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Welcome Mitch. I'm pleased to see you here and look forward to following your post stroke life in a blog on this site.


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Welcome Mitch. It's good to have another Aussie on this site. I live in Murray Bridge South Australia and am the care giver to my husband John, who had a 'shower' of strokes following endocarditis about 4 1/2 years ago. John now has quite severe aphasia and his disability can be quite frustrating at times for us both. I am sorry things didn't work out with stroke connect but I am certain bloggers on this supportive site will appreciate your comments and contributions.


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I am sorry for being a bit tardy, but have been looking after grandkids during the school holidays.  Will start blogging next week..... So please bear with me.

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Hello John Mitchell,


I'm Fred King and been right here since 2005, so here is hoping you will be here for some time to come and can enjoy being here with all of us and writing your blogs as you desire... I know I have for about ten years by now....

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