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Another entry.....



I spent several hours today editing the blog that I maintained on Australia's National Stroke Foundation's website, and which runs to some 250,000 words. I plan on editing it into around 150,000 words and self publishing it for a modest fee of around $5.75. Maybe with the title of "A stroke survivor's blog....or how I handled a tree change and lived!"


We'll see. Maybe that's too long a title!


But, in editing it today, and I've only done the first four months (the full blog runs for more than 36 months), I have been fascinated in what I have been able to recall. It is interesting going back some four years and seeing what you were feeling then compared to whatt you are feeling now. Well...it's not always a good feeling, as in some ways I have gone backwards. Maybe others have the same feeling.....


Do some of you feel you are going backwards instead of making improvements and going forwards? This is despite your best efforts to improve?


I also spent about 1.5 hours painting bare wood that had been installed where we have had our new roller door erected, so now it at least looks finished. The door has a rounded canopy protecting it from the weather rather than a garage, and looks very good from the road.


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I feel like I am going backwards big time. Before my stroke I was actually losing weight. My blood pressure was a little bit lower and I had only diabetes,high cholesterol along with that to deal with.

Now I am 40lbs more than last year and it is stubborn weight. Chronic kidney disease has been added to the list of ailments. I'm anemic probably with the help of being on a blood thinner. I have a mass in my kidney that looks to be benign and something seems to be wrong with my gallbladder. This was found at an ultrasound for my pancreas but the pancreas could not be seen. So I might be doing ct for that. I am tired. I want a break from my body. With all of this going on I still don't know why I had those stroke.



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Punch, to a degree I share your concerns. From weighing 83 kilos before my heart attack and strokes, I subsequently dropped back to 72 kilos. I wanted to settle for around 75-76 kilos but sadly I'm back to 83 kilos and climbing!


I also would like to take a break from my body...... But the only time that's going to happen is when I'm dead.....and I sure as hell ain't ready for that!!!!!?

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I also would like to take a break from my body...... But they only time that's going to happen is when I'm dead.....and I sure as hell ain't ready for that!!!!!?

Absolutely!!  I'm feeling pretty positive at the moment.  But there are always days when nothing goes right and I drop or break things where I would love a do over, not that I'd know what to change to stop my stroke as we never did work out why.

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