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A Fall Time Blog



Well folks, it's that time again this week for me putting together another blog but this time it's about the Fall of the year in Texas....... We finally got a couple days of rain with more promised by our weathermen and women on different TV stations.... So I shall be in the house and see what happens first.... Of course we got 90% chance of rain all day,so that sounds like another street flooding event....


With all the advance warnings about flooding in certain areas you would think there would be no drownings but people drive into flooded areas instead of turning around when they are told daily to turn around don't drown.... You know I can barely walk with my cane then to drive into a flooded street or area and can't swim I would have to have lost my mind period....


Like when I'm driving with one hand and one side paralyzed how could I answer my cell phone and still drive my car?? But you know drivers young and old alike will do that all the time..... A young driver ran over a man on his tractor riding along the edge of the roadway a couple days ago not looking where he was driving and probably on his cell phone......


So I suppose it's a good time to sit outside and watch the golden and brown leaves fall from the trees that are still somewhat green..... Then we all know the snow is not too far away and very likely more rain will fall.....


As for me in my condition physically, I will try daily to continue riding my exercise bike and get much stronger in my walking ability.... All of my other help has ended so I'm on my own for awhile now.... Hopefully I can get better in my condition physically..... I'm going to try walking on the sidewalk with my cane a block from my house and back home once each day the weather permits me to do that..... That's a tall order I hope to accomplish to get better little by little this Fall season....


All the best to each of you this Fall season in whatever you decide to do or accomplish.... :D :roflmao: Winter time and the snow is just around the corner for many of you living where snow falls every year and you head to Florida for more sunshine.......

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Fred, yo do try to keep a positive attitude and that comes through loud and clear in your blogs.  Enjoy the wonder of the changing colors, it is a great gift to each of us that we can still see beauty and joy in our daily life regardless of the circumstances.



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