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Only two more days to go......:-(



Ah, well....it happens to all old journalists. They get the urge write again, and I am no different. So I will write a travel piece about our short trip away to Palm Cove. It started yesterday when I asked about Brigadier David Scott Thomson, who purchased the Reef House Hotel in 1972.


Seems the hotel had been around for many, many years in various stages of development, and - in the late 60s - was owned by a bookmaker who took it over from one of his clients who failed make good on his bet, and as part recompense built the magnificent pool which today sits in the centre of the establishment. The bookie apparently on-sold it to the good Brigadier, who had had a chequered career in the military winning a Military Cross in 1951 during the Korean War, and becoming an MP and a minister in the Joh Bjelke Petersen government. The Brigadier only owned the place for three years, but indelibly etched his mark on the establishment, especially between the hours of 5-6pm each afternoon when free canapés and cocktails are served in the Brigadier's Bar. Mind you, one has to be quick to get even a sniff of the canapés, although the cocktails (which have Bundaberg Rum as the base) flow far more freely.


Dinner on our final night was spent at the Rising Sun Cafe, and it was the best meal we have had. Crispy friedoday squid, sliced red onions, cucumber, peanuts, and mint and Asian Basel leaves served in a silver dish. It was sensational.


Today we quit the Reef House and moved into the adjacent Sarayi.....a real drop in quality. The pool is on the top floor (no elevator) so one has to climb three floors clutching the bannister all the way. And when one arrives puffing and panting, one is met by a barren landscape. No ladder to provide one with easy entry and exit, a spa that doesn't work, several lollabouts and two faded and jaded market style umbrellas - only one of which was up.


So Jules and I descended the steep stairs and wandered several hundred metres down the esplanade to the netted and safe swimming area. Gotta remember that this is the start of the "stinger" season, while salt water crocs are also lurking offshore.


I find it difficult to get into a lying position, so I am sitting in the steps of the local lifesaving look-out while Jules is sitting on the lawns. And I have just purchased two mango smoothies for morning tea....


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Sorry you have had such a let-down, do let your travel agent know, if you have one, as there needs to be a note that there are stairs up to the roof top pool and no way in for a disabled person.  I know I would have been shocked if I had stayed there with Ray and had not been warned. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.

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Ilike your "travel piece"

A few more holidays and you could write a longer "stroke survivor on vacation" series or even a book a la "wheelchair around the world" which I enjoyed a couple of years ago.

Enjoy the last couple of days.


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