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Successful shopping trip



The day before Thanksgiving my wife asked if I and my brother would run to the grocery store because she hates to shop.

Ad i tecall lastyear I ran my cart into at lrast 8 peop what a edifference a year makes this year my trip to the grocery store was good I didn't bump into any person at all I didn't even have to wear a sign that said blind man walking

It really is the small victories that matter isn't it be blessed and be a blessing,


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Yes Jay these little things make all the difference to your day.  I just wish our supermarket would get more of the smaller size trolleys.  I had a trip very like your last year one to do my weekly shop yesterday (no thanksgiving here, but they have put out all the extra Christmas stuff in the aisles  which makes the navigation harder.)  The small trolleys were all MIA so I had to use one of the big family trolleys and it had a mind of it's own.  As I only use one hand to push with a wonky trolley is a nightmare.


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