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Christmas Day 2015



Today is Christmas Day, Friday, 2015, a warm Friday and here in Texas it's pretty and warm weather, in fact the warmest Christmas in a long, long time dating back to 1954 so say the weather people on all the TV channels this morning...... They keep records, I don't so I can just enjoy this day with no place to go in particular.....


I must say I'm glad to still be alive and well considering all I have endured over the last 12 years after suffering this stroke in my life..... As many of you know a stroke is devastating to have and survive very long so my Christmas gift all these years has to be me still alive and doing the best I can with what I got left..... "I'm so very thankful to God above for my life, my wife/care giver, and the strength He has given me to keep on surviving....


No body knows the troubles a survivor has to endure after a stroke as the body isn't the same and the mind can't keep up with what needs to be remembered day to day but considering everything I feel I'm doing pretty good day to day and year to the next year in my life....


Marriages and relationships suffer after a stroke in many cases so I am glad all my relationship suffering happened in my first Three Marriages and this one is the jewel blessed by God as I feel He knows my situation and what was in store for my life..... I don't get around much any more but I feel good about my life and what I can do for myself...... Soon as I can start back going to church I know I'll feel even better in my life....


So it feels good to still be here to celebrate this Christmas Day this year and have my wife's people come in from New Orleans to be with us at this time...... :D


I hope many others are feeling better after their stroke and getting stronger day by day as I have over the years and even my walking is better at this time but I still got a long road ahead to get back like I once was in the things I could do myself.....


Christmas is for the kids they say but all of us enjoy getting presents and attention from our loved ones and see the eyes of the young ones open their presents on Christmas day..... Here is hoping all of you have a wonderful day today and get stronger in your body if you suffered a stroke..... :roflmao:


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Happy New Year to you and your wife; I hope 2016 brings you improved health and mobility so that you can once again engage in all the activities you enjoy. Keep blogging please


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