Amazing day. Top notch
While doing research on peer support.
I found a study that validates whT I have said, the best person to provide emotional support to add a new stroke survivor is another stroke survivor because family and friends cannot understand what the individual is going through but we can,
It's so nice to have validation from a scientific study.
I finally met the new be at the hospital today today is May 8th and she's being discharged tomorrow day 9.
We made an instant connection website for the stroke network along with the to face to face support groups available at the to hospital here in town.
Which added for 20 minutes or so and then I met with her mother and giving them both hold what a glorious day.
She thanked me told me how great was to meet me and what a blessing I am to be doing what I'm doing helping stroke survivors.
With days like this I could I could do volunteer work for ever.
Beblessed and be a blessing.
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