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The Pink vs The Red



I noticed my leg was getting red a couple of days ago but a nurse said they would keep an eye on it. So this morning a nurse actually looked at it and she called it a pink rash. I belly laughed never actually heard that before. To me the shade was candy apple red not pink. So I said they wanted me to return to hospital if it turned color again.any color than my lily white only tan color is age spots. She got agitated saying she did not have time,it was not life threatening. The supervisor said it was only pink so he would call the doctor when it was red. I went to my physical therapist and she showed her colleague and they said oh no cannot work with that leg. The PT walked me over to the ER. I had IV antibiotics,ultrasound for clots,blood work for specific stuff,and spent the night admitted to the hospital.


Then I was sent back to the SNF. After a night spent in a private room on the 12th floor,I dreaded going back to that dark dreary, room with Her that smelled of a urine soaked diaper and prattled on endlessly about her OCD thoughts.


The transport guys rolled the gurney toward my room,the head nurse called out for them to take me to the room number of my best friend here! I nearly hopped down and declared I need to Move! A special cna helped me move my things out and I arrived in my new room! My friend said,"I can't believe you are here!" We had asked to be roommates quiet a while.


I am now sharing a room with bingo buddy! She is 80 years young. She has dialysis 3 times per week. We share a room with only 2 beds,a sliding glass patio door that looks out to a garden with fruit tress,there is light,sunshine,and friendship here. Compare this new existence to life in a room with 3 women,one refusing to eat and wasting away,the other refusing diaper changes forcing me to endure the smell of Wastes constantly even during meal times after the dining room event, listening to her endless OCD anxieties and lies that turned on me when I went socializing out of the room.

I begged to move in here when my friend invited me but twice they gave it to other incoming patients and told me that I already was assigned to room. We both gave up discouraged,but we both liked the new roommate. I stayed there most of the day until I went to bed.


I was feeling hopeless. I asked if it was because it was a nicer room but no explanation given. I felt hopeless. I took it out on everyone. I wanted to be free from those nurses who failed me too. I told off stink woman constantly. I insisted the cnas change her. I talked on phone about her in front of her. I said I wanted her out of MY room then if i could not move. I raised the holy grail. Her family complained.nurses complained. I refused to move to the middle beds available in 2 other rooms.I wondered if I would get the boot. But I got the place I wanted. And they are moving over the better flat screen tv in here. I am giving it to roomie who has a cable box. We already share her tv.


I am going to have dinner sitting by the window and then look at the stars. I have lived 6 months unable to do that.


Oh and bossy nurse smiles too big at me. I wonder if she knows I beat them all at their own game.


Recommended Comments

Pam :


great news. you are warrior. ofcourse sooner or later you will win. persistence always pays up. again this reminds me there are brick walls in life they are there to remind us how badly you want something in life. I am glad you fought tooth & nail for what you wanted. enjoy ur friend & new room. Happy New year.



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