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What if this is as good as it gets



As I was riding the bus yesterday to town to meet up with some friends to have coffee just before going to the hospital to do my volunteer work for a brief nanosecond thought of dread crossed my mind what if this is as good as it gets and my response to myself was I'm pretty damn fortunate

I am able to inspire people on this site I'm able to do my writing and I'm able to connect with new stroke survivors and hopefully offer them support and encouragement and the knowledge that they are not alone I would never want anybody to spend a year wallowing in self pity like I did thinking I was the only one so all in all if this is as good as it gets I'm very fortunate.

Be blessed and be a blessing,



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Thank you for your nice comment it's validation for me I know we all share so much it is nice to know we're not alone be well my friend

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I love reading your blogs Jay. I love the way  you always see the bright side of life, and you enjoy helping others. having a stroke is  a diffcult thing to happen, a blow to our mind and body, so easy to give up. You Ray make sure that does not happen, you are so right there are things to be greatful for. keep on thinking postive and share your feel good  thoughs. 


Happy new Year



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Hi Jay

Do not be hard on yourself because it takes time to adjust to being in Strokeland. I am glad you are finding your way


It helps to know I am not the only one struggling to cope. It is nice to be honest sometimes about it and then I go d9 something I enjoy.


Thank y9u Jay

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I was about to say no matter you are still alive and every day I think we do recover a bit more very slowly of course.... I have been at recovering for 12 years and can hardly walk while one time I was walking really good where some didn't know I suffered a stroke.... I'm older now at 74 and was only 62 when the stroke came calling my name....


I never lost my trust in God....

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