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Contemplative life



As I have my coffee and enjoy the warmth of the sun on my face I can't help but be overjoyed with the blessing of my survival.

When I consider my blessings I almost begin to cry.

There are times I hit a barrier and frustration seeps into my head. I took my own advice sat back took a deep breath and thanked God once again for giving me a second chance.

I know how blessed I am another beautiful day.

To any Canadian friends out there happy 149th Canada day.

To my fellow citizens of the united States happy 240th independence day.

Be well all.

Be blessed and be a blessing,



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Jay :


you are such a grateful soul. being around you even in virtual world brings in contentment & peace. Happy Canada day to you .



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Thank you Jay, I'm just chilling here in Texas where the weather is great, lots of sunshine, parades, and things to do in celebrating the 4th of July as I am so thankful to have survived the stroke 12 years ago and can get about on my scooter and with my cane plus I do still drive my car with one hand since my left side is paralyzed still.....


God is truly good to me, you, and so many other survivors right here on this wonderful stroke support site.......

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