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Therapy Planner Page



I've recently gotten into bullet journaling - which has went into an art form, and I'm loving it.   I started trying to bullet journal around the middle of Feb, and use a 2 pg daily spread, with everything on it. One of the many things I want to try to get back into is my stroke hubby's therapy, that we are not doing anything, on a regular basis, on (stroked 2012).    I got this free print off from a bullet journal group, where the designer wanted to see what people would do with it.    There were many things I could use if for, and I pondered it carefully.   Then I thought if I used it for his therapies, he might get more excited about starting again. I will probably have to reprint it as I get better ideas on how to do it, but this is a learning experience. I like how it will be a visual for him, to see what he's actually doing. I just got it made and he just started a reading period, so the first day (Mar 11) shows he has started. After he read he told me (in aphasia talk!), "you have to make another picture, I'm playing solitaire now!" Game playing is important to his decision making skills and cognition, and I was very pleased that he initiated something on his own! So, I put another item on his list and marked it on the calendar - I think this is going to go over really WELL with him!


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Sandy that is a fantastic idea , especially with Spring and warmer weather on the way Then you should be able to plan some outdoor activities too.

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Sandy :


this is excellent idea, for me personally my pocketbook calender sent to me by Dept of disabled veterans saved me  & gave me some structure in life. I used it big time in scheduling my son's activities in it & following it to T. It kinda gave me structure & control I had lost after my stroke. I still make sure to donate to this every year after so many years. That pocketbook calender & this site saved me big time in my initial despair.




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I had to relearn how to follow a schedule after my stroke. Using a planner was part of my speech therapy and holding myself accountable for all sorts of planning and goals. I think your idea is wonderful! Together you guys can make it as inclusive as you would like.

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I have to track a million different things for health and other reasons (blood sugar, meals, sleep times, etc.) and had post-it notes all over the house.  It was so disorganized!  Then I learned about bullet journaling - hallelujah!!!  I also use a 2-page spread for each day, and it's been a lifesaver.  What a great way for you to use the concept - I'm so thrilled your husband is responding to it.  Give yourself a pat on the back for a genius idea!  :-)

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On 3/18/2018 at 12:25 PM, tmciriani said:

I had to relearn how to follow a schedule after my stroke. Using a planner was part of my speech therapy and holding myself accountable for all sorts of planning and goals. I think your idea is wonderful! Together you guys can make it as inclusive as you would like.

We had extremely good insurance at the time, and my husband actually got 52 DAYS of therapy a year (not sessions, but days, with as many sessions in each that you could stuff in).    We usually skipped winter/flu season, but in good weather we went 5 days a week and then the first 2 years there were loads of doctor appts.    My little 2 year purse calendar definitely got a work out then, hardly and empty block on it.


With Bob's month, we are not getting as many of the DIFFERENT things done that I want to, but I have felt so ratty myself, so that's the reason.   But I'm thankful for the things we are doing consistently, and he's even thought of some things to put on the list, and reminds me when he does something to put it on.    I'll have to put another pic to show how it worked for us when the month is done! 

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