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Another plus





I am so happy today. Hans and I both had Steroid injections in our backs yesterday and last night we slept six hours straight. No pain. I have hurt for so long that I almost forgot what it felt like to walk without pain. The slipped disc in my back must have really been affected by the steriods. Whatever - I am so grateful and thankful for the relief. Hans' general demeanor is better too. He cannot tell me he feels better but his smile is much wider and he doesn't frown as much when I transfer him from chair to bed and bed to chair. I even enjoyed grocery shopping this morning and putting the groceries up. Even separated all the meats and put in the freezer - am cooking barbequed ribs for supper and baking Pumpernikel bread. Boy is this a change from laying in bed or in my chair most of the day and night.


I just love our Dr. Nae and his magic medicine. Thank God for him and his staff.




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