a week ago I tried out theNESS 200 (electrostim splint for hand/forearm therapy)by Bioness Inc I got a very thorough therapist at
Good Shepherd Rehab Hospital in Allentown PA Itried it Igot a little 'zap' (electrostim)
my thumb started moving fabulous!1 the little zap actually caused tighter-fisted (I attribute that
to my damaged/confused brain) afterthe -3 minute session Ifelt more'twitchy'/animatedin handfor the next few days thereafter
I've been practicing tightening/loosening my grip on a rubber dog toy dropping in a basket
the 'practice sessions seems to help my brain on retraining I am not a professional (!)
might as well try.. The therapistsuggested some portable electrostim(less specialized device) I'll start maybe next week. I'll report here. I figure it's better to try something? Thetherapist advised try 'doing something with that hand ' repetition is the secret
thanks for listening
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