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Upstaging the bride?



We have been looking forward to this coming weekend for a while now. Patrick's cousin is getting married Saturday and we have been planning to go for some time now. I am glad it's finally upon us!


He is close to his cousin, as cousins go. She almost feels like a 5th sister in Patrick's family. She has had alot of very serious medical challanges herself in the last few years, and it's really good to see a day of joy come her way. I met her fiance while Patrick was in the hospital, and they seem like a great match. This was the first time I had met him, and Patrick will meet him for the first time on Saturday. Patrick was in a coma when they were here, so this will be the first time his cousin or her fiance will get to see how far he has come. Even though I know they have been in the loop, I suspect seeing is believing.


There should be quite a few people there whom we haven't seen since Patrick had his stroke, and we are both excited to see them again. There should also be some other cousins (her sibs) who I haven't ever met in the 13 years we have been together. He is also close with his aunt (brides mom) and she has always been an inspiration to him. Her husband lived over 20 years after being diagnosed with MS, and she was one of those caregivers you hope you can be if the time arises. She is an amazing woman. She was a great comfort to me when the stroke struck our lives. She also told me she had a feeling Patrick would be the stroke patient doctors would be amazed by, and reporters would write about. She told me this at a time when we did not have high hopes for a recovery of any kind. Well, he hasn't been in any papers, but he certainly has amazed us.


So, in getting ready for the big day, I took Patrick shopping for a new outfit. I think he is gonna blow some peoples minds when they seem him. I want him to feel great about himself when he sees everyone for the first time, and I think we have that covered. Hope the bride doesn't mind all the attention he is gonna get! (she won't, she'll be doting on him too!)


Now all I have to do Friday is:

Get the oil changed

Clean out the car


Get the present wrapped/card signed

Take the dog to be boarded

Drive to St. Louis to pick up my step son

Look for a new pair of pants and possibly shoes for me

All the other daily things I do like feed the family and play taxi

Whew, I am tired just writing it. Oh well, it will all get done one way or another.

Take Care,



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