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New Endeaver



I am tired as I write this at 4:25 monday afternoon. First of all this weekend's "trial" has wiped me out. Then this a.m. I had to get blood drawn at the lab.... then I just got home from the laundrymat. I am clockwatching to be able to go to bed.


This weekend I helped my friend Jim out at his Farmers market. I thought when I offered him free help, it would be nothing more then running the register. I thought, I could easily do that. (I had forgotten the survivors golden rule---NEVER TAKE THE EASY ROAD! ) well it turns out, it is abit more then running a register. It is pulling the plastic bags out of the 1/2 bushel baskets or whatever size they buy. Have you ever tried to lift a bag of apples out, spin the bag and put a twist tie on it all one handed? Not to mention add when you should multiply! Or remember about 100 prices per pound???? All of this I did easily pre stroke, post stroke I feel like a complete moron. I have figured out a method to twist the bags and put the twist ties on. I just have to remember what gets charged sales tax or not. I basically charged everyone tax on everything all weekend. Pumpkins or guords or corn stalks aren't taxable. I said if it is food it is taxable. I used the line more then once this weekend" Can you tell it is my first day"???????

I also remembered finally, which apples are tart and sweet, which are good baking, eating apples.Empires and Ida Reds are tart and sweet. Macintosh are good sweet eating apples, Cortlands and McCoun are good cooking apples, I'm answering those questions in my sleep these past few nights. The answer to the question which apples make good applesauce? My answer was mix them all in a pot, can't go wrong! I knew that from having done it myself in the past. I also knew Macintosh apples make good pies from having used them myself.


Although Jim was fuming at times at the "New" help. We both dealt with it ok. Saturday night, I turned the oven off and left the 3 freshly baked pies in the oven to cool overnight. Well come sunday morning, guess what I had done? Never turned the oven off, I turned it to the clean cycle, we had 3 very overcooked bad tasting pies. But I apologized, and he forgave me. But does my body ache today. I know I haven't been all that active in the last 3 years since stroking. Seems I have muscles that are moaning big time in protest of cement floors and lifting.


Least I know not to look for a job that has physical labor in the job description. But I'll help out as long as I can do it. But I am grateful that I do get a disability check monthly, not that it is making me rich but it is better having it, then trying to work cause I have to.

Life is an interesting dance.....



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Yes, I can agree, what once was simple can now feel like trying to climb Mt. Everest... sometimes it is frustraiting because we look healthy and able...but at times the mind and math are definately not in tune... let alone trying to remember a bunch of things...

Give you tons of credit for trying and challenging yourself!!


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