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getting stale



Wish I could say I am full of the joys of Spring but Spring and I are going through a dry period. No bright flowers bursting forth, no bright ideas in my head either.

Sometimes I feel like a lady-in-waiting. Part of that comes from the fact that I fetch and carry a lot. Ray "forgets" his cup, his spoon, his pills, his handkerchief and I go fetch them. He needs a second cup of tea, a piece of fruit , a sandwich, and I go fetch them. His buttons won't button and his zip won't zip, so I go do it. I know it is what a carer does, and some of you who have worse problems may think I am being petty minded but I do so HATE running around after someone all day long. My children say: "Don't do it Mum. Let him fetch things for himself." but he takes so long and often can't find things, or drops them or spills them and you know how it is, I finish up doing it anyway.

I think I am suffering from a kind of mild depression. I don't feel as if I am walking through mud or that all is darkness, I just feel dissatisfied with life. And I am finding it difficult to plan ahead. Usually by this time in Spring I am a ball of energy and I have "BIG PLANS" mini breaks, picnics, visits to friends, even the events of the Christmas holidays are all in the planning stage by now. And my theme for decorating is taking shape and I have the purchases beginning to get hidden all over the house.

But this year I just feel so ho hum. I need something to give my spirits a lift, some really good news, some reason to work out a new plan. I just hope it comes soon. I think I'll have to find a way of blowing the stale feeling away. There is always a way through the dark corridors in life. I just have to find the key.


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Reading your posts from Australia, where your weather patterns are the exact opposite as ours, is a quirk that I enjoy about your blogs. It makes me stop and realize how HUGE the world really is.


I understand what you mean about the "fetch and carry." I think all we caregivers go through periods when it wears on us to be the 'mommy (or daddy)' all the time, constantly in a teaching mode instead of just living side by side. If it is a mild form of depression---and you could be right about that---keep trying to find something to pull yourself back out it. A few hours spent in the bright sunshine might do you wonders. For me, just a few hours in my own in the yard or off running an errand does it for me.




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If you are amused by Australia being on the other side of the seasons you should be here for Christmas! Some years it is a HOT summer day, long cool drinks, wilting salads, seafood and cold meats are what our family prefers but some folk still try for the full European hot baked dinner and all the veggies. Pure madness in our heat.

Feel sorry for Santa still in the big red suit!

Will try to cheer up. And thanks for reading my woeful blogs.

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I am sitting here reading your blog and you are waiting for Spring flowers and I am watching all the leaves fall off the trees. I think I could come close to Christmas in summer, John & I spent one Christmas in Arizona.

I am a survivor but I am "fetching & finding" for my husband...lol


Hope you get a bright sunny day, and maybe you can look for your "favorite" bird. I am always cheerful when I see a robin or a hummingbird, or the first butterflies.


Maybe Santa should get a red velvet speedo.


pash.gif Bonnie

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This stroker is a caregiver too. To one workaholic DH and a 12 and 14 yr. old who's school schedule seems to like to overload them. Its hard to get a handle. I feel like everyone's moving on with their soon to be grown up lives but me. I have to still be here "caregiving" but I wish i could figure out something that is for me!


Do you have some good friends? I've got some fireballs for friends who are serving as examples if being self starters. Its just figuring how to "steal" time for yourself with stuff that charges ya up...With this stuff, should keep us busy but its not filling us up on the inside..And gettin up the courage to step on out there-at least for me...

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