hitting the pots and pans
Having a grandchild here can be so therapeutic. Tori, this afternoon was watching a video we see over and over. Some animals form a band using household implements as instruments. She has old plastic salt and pepper shakers filled with rice that are her "moraccas". I have curtain rod off-cuts with jingle bells on them but Pa was still up today when we put the video on and did not have anything. So off she went to the pots and pans cupboard and returned with a saucepan, I was dispatched to find a wooden spoon. Pa now had a drum that he could play sitting down with only one hand needed.
So there we sat in front of the TV playing along with the animal band and Tori oversaw our performance. "Are you doing it right Pa? Shake more Granma." It was a hilarious performance but at the end the grandparents felt much better and Ray was grinning from ear to ear. It was his first musical performance for quite a while and he was justly proud of himself.
He is getting used to the exercises now, still only does one side of the tape each day but at least he is putting some effort into the job. He is still weak and needs to strengthen up for safety sake. He does give it his best effort most of the time.
Tori and I also had a long walk, over the back and up the hill to where we could see the beach, too windy by far to walk on it but just seeing the water does me good. I remember my troubles are "just a drop in the ocean".
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