What are the odds?
Yesterday I went to a fashion show that a club I belong to presented. I was on the committee. There was a contest among florists. They could show their talents so potential buyers and we would have centerpieces free. I was at Table 6. There were 8 of us at the table. Everyone entering got a raffle number. There were 15 arrangements and our table had 5 or 6 of us winning the arrangements! Mine had white silk pointsettias and for a Florida look, starfish, shells, greens etc. Very attractive. Many used white lilies in the arrangements one in comination with red anthurium- others, roses or carnations. and one had a gold angel with the lilies. Forgot to say, it was for the holidays so had a Christmas theme.
Everyone said they were going to touch us and then buy a lotto ticket LOL !
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