So here I am again- PLAYING!
OK, it's playtime but no, Gary, I haven't done my work yet.
So far so good with the work I have - Same company as the striped pencils which made me sick, but no pencils. This time Christmas decorations and gift wrap. The do have names though and trying to figure if Breanna or Briana comes first takes a little longer for this stroked brain, LOL That one is more obvious than some and there are names like Taylor that can be for boys or girls. Have to check color for those. So it's off to the glue factory. I'll need my Pepsi, Gary. It's going to be a long one. 4 different places, most miles apart and different when I get there. As I tell a chihuahua friend who has wonderful Sunday family dinners - I'm rebbing up my broom; I'll be there. Now what did I do with my
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