All numb inside?
Today was part II of IV of my root canal/crown. Yes, I know you are all jealous, try to contain yourself.
I got to get jacked up with lots of novacain though, and I could not feel anything on the left side of my face including my left nostril and sinus all the way up to my eye. While playing with my face, biting in the inside of my cheek and flicking my nose to see what it felt like (I was bored, the dentist was gone forever while waiting for the novacain to take effect) I began to wonder: Is this how it feels for some stroke survivors? To not be able to feel part of yourself?
After leaving the dentist's, I needed to pick up some "delicious, free, garlic biscuits" (as our guests would descibe them) from my work to take to the stroke support group meeting. They were having a potluck tonight and I had not had the time to make something myself, and since everyone seems to love our "delicious, free, garlic biscuits", I thought this was a quick solution. (although I must say they weren't "free", I still had to pay full price for 3 dozen).
While at work, I was talking to a couple of the employees, and they started to give me a hard time about the way I was speaking out of the side of my mouth. I then felt compelled to tell everyone who gave me a second look that I had just got back from the dentist, and that was why I was speaking funny.
I went home and picked up my husband and headed to the meeting, biscuits in tow. As we were approaching the door, I wondered, will they think I'M THE SURVIVOR? I could certainly understand if I were mistaken for the survivor, and this was only our second attendance so we really don't know the others yet.
Eating was fun. I got the giggles during our dinner because I was having a hard time keeping the food in my mouth. I kept apologizing to the others at the table, and thankfully, the effects finally wore off by the time we went up for dessert.
All and all, it was a nice time and Patrick had the opportunity to listen to a couple of other men tell their stories, and I think he finally felt a kinship to someone else regarding strokes.
We are both looking forward to next months meeting. I hope my dentist appointment doesn't fall on the support group day again, we are having appetizers and snacks next month too!
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