An hour till chat....
Hello again
I just checked my time and it is just over an hour till the regular Wednesday chat with G. (will try to do a quick blog)
Then I looked at my blog and saw that I havn't blogged since Nov 15th. Time has been flying by this last week.
The lady that I work with at the office went into hospital last Thursday for a hip replacement operation.
So Friday I was in the office all day. (third day last week) I was out and about most all day Saturday. Then Sunday I had a meeting in Moncton New Brunswick.
Left here about 4am and got back around 9:30 pm. (long day) Monday I took a rest day but back in the office yesterday and today.
Tomorrow morning is the meeting at the hospital board room about starting a Strokeclub in this area.
Will have to go shopping tomorrow afternoon and a meeting tomorrow nite.
I may be back in the office again on Friday.
So If I am not blogging it's not because I'm being lazy eh.
Thanks for listening and I will catch you in chat in about 45 minutes. (just enough time to fix a snack before chat)
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