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An hour till chat....



Hello again


I just checked my time and it is just over an hour till the regular Wednesday chat with G. (will try to do a quick blog)


Then I looked at my blog and saw that I havn't blogged since Nov 15th. Time has been flying by this last week.


The lady that I work with at the office went into hospital last Thursday for a hip replacement operation.


So Friday I was in the office all day. (third day last week) I was out and about most all day Saturday. Then Sunday I had a meeting in Moncton New Brunswick.


Left here about 4am and got back around 9:30 pm. (long day) Monday I took a rest day but back in the office yesterday and today.


Tomorrow morning is the meeting at the hospital board room about starting a Strokeclub in this area.


Will have to go shopping tomorrow afternoon and a meeting tomorrow nite.


I may be back in the office again on Friday.


So If I am not blogging it's not because I'm being lazy eh.


Thanks for listening and I will catch you in chat in about 45 minutes. (just enough time to fix a snack before chat)


Smiles smile.gif




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Take care Gary, I feel like i have been on a treadmill lately also.lol


i know you already had your thanksgiving in October. US is tomorrow and I am looking forward to 4 days.



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Wish it wasn't this busy now. I can't multi-task too well. Only got 1 job done and remembered others that should be done. At the same time, I shopped some for company coming to visit (family, but company just the same) and faxing and xeroxing my Purchase order for home. Too much at once. You're lucky Gary, at least "Thanksgiving and Friday are normal days. Tomorrow, as well as work, is the mad rush for sales (one of the biggest days, if not the biggest. I'm a glutton for that!. Miss you in chat........Maybe tomorrow.
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Hi Bonnie and Phil


Thanks for your posts. I was running around like a headless chicken yesterday.


Blood work in the am along with the meeting on the Strokeclub with Lori from Heart and Stroke. Grocery shopping in the afternoon and another meeting last nite.


Up early this morning to do laundry then home care and off to the office for the afternoon.


Oh well I am thankfull that my body is responding positively to all of this activity.


I did take time to nap both yesterday and today.



Thanks again


BTW the Turducken and Sex in a pan are on the board.


Smiles smile.gif



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