the morning after the weekend
Well, it's Monday morning and I must get back to reality. The "vacation" is over and it will be Cgristmas when I am again able to really get a good rest. In fact after I'm finished doing this, I have to check and see if I have to complete something today or if I may have a few extra days.
Those of you who know me know I am a purple person (except when I forget to close the tags) but I am green for a reason. Think this is interesting. I am not Catholic but have many friends who are. Somewhere, years ago I learned that St. Jude is the Patron Saint of the impossible or of hopeless cases. One of them had given me a St. Jude metal (not expensive) and a card with the prayer. I have always prayed to St. Jude when troubled. .. and it seems my prayers were always taken care of. Now, with my house things in the works, I have "troubled" St. Jude for his time and my requests. My childhood friend of 66 years sent me an article that she cut from a religious paper. I didn't know but according to this article in the "iconography of Jude" he stands cloaked in green, the church's color of hope". I never knew that and found it very interesting.
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